Chapter 8: The Destroyer

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Thor, Selvig, Jane and Darcy evacuated as many people from the area as possible by the time the Destroyer reached the little town. As soon as it did, it began firing blasts of fire out of its helmet.

Volstagg, Hogun, and Fandral approached the Destroyer, and Volstagg charged with Hogun and Fandral throwing him at it.

"For Asgard!" He shouted  as he was thrown.

The Destroyer just raised its arm and swatted Volstagg off like a fly. He crashed into a car, and the Destroyer looked over him. It opened its face, preparing to fire, when Sif and (Y/n) jumped from a roof and landed on top of it, stabbing it with their swords.

They impaled the Destroyer right through the chest and it seemed to shut down. Sif and (Y/n) shared looks of triumph which quickly faded when they saw the Destroyer lift its head, and twist its body around so it was now facing Sif and (Y/n).

The Destroyer grabbed (Y/n) around the waist and held her under its arm while Sif rolled off him as he fired at her.

"Fall back!" Sif yelled.

The four of them retreated back, as the Destroyer fired at them, knocking them off their feet. Sif landed on the hard concrete, while the Warrior's Three were sent flying into the window of a diner.

Thor gestured for Darcy Jane and Selvig to get somewhere safe as he ran up to Sid who was hiding behind a car.

"Sif. Sif, you've done all you can." Thor told her.

Sif shook her head. "No, no. I will die a Warrior's death. Stories will be told of this day."

"Live and tell them yourself." Thor said. "Now go!"

The Destroyer blasted at them again, and Thor and Sif ducked out of the way.

Thor ran to the Warrior's Three who were climbing out of the diner window.

"You must return to Asgard. You have to stop Loki." He ordered.

"What about you?" Fandral asked.

"Do not worry my friends, I have a plan." Thor promised.

The Warrior's Three and Sid fell back to where Selvig, Jane and Darcy where. Thor looked to the Destroyer, knowing his brother could hear him, and began walking towards it.

(Y/n) looked up from struggling to get out of its grasp and saw him coming right for them.

"Thor, what are you doing?! Get out of here!"

Thor didn't listen and kept moving forward.

"Brother, whatever I have done to wrong you, whatever I have done to lead you to do this, I am truly sorry. But these people are innocent. Taking their lives will gain you nothing. So take mine and end this." Thor proposed.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened. "No! Loki, please, stop this! You haven't killed anyone, keep it that way. I don't care about the throne, or being Queen, I just want to be with you whether your King or not. Please...don't kill him." She pleaded.

Loki Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon