Chapter 1: Introduction

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"Once, mankind accepted a simple truth: That they were not alone in the universe."

In a small village in Norway, several mortal people were going about their business.

"Some worlds, man believed to be home to their gods. Others, they learned to fear."

The people paused and looked up at the night sky in confusion. A giant blue beam of light shot down to the Earth, revealing an army of several tall blue creatures with piercing red eyes.

"From a Realm of cold and darkness came the Frost Giants, threatening to plunge the mortal world into a new Ice Age."

The leader of the Frost Giants held up what looked to be a giant blue glowing rectangular prism. He used it to freeze over the entire area, as well as the people in it.

"But humanity would not face this threat alone."

Another beam of light shot down onto the Earth, this one containing a rainbow of colors. Another army appeared dressed in golden armor and golden weapons. Their leader, Odin, was a tall older man with a beard who wore a large golden helmet with horns and held a tall staff. The two armies charged and clashed with each other, fighting to the death.


"Our armies pushed the Frost Giants back to their own realm. The cost was great. In the end...their King fell."

Odin stood above the Frost Giant King, holding his spear to his neck, his right eye missing from its socket, while a soldier took the source of their power: The Casket of Ancient Winters.

"And the source of their power was taken from them. With the last Great War ended, we withdrew from the other words and returned home, to the Realm Eternal...Asgard."


"Here we remain as a beacon of hope, shining out across the stars. And though we have fallen into man's myths and legends, it was Asgard and it's warriors that brought peace to the universe." Odin finished.

He was walking along the hall of a large room with walls that slanted up to a point, that was filled with relics and trophies from Asgard's victories.

Beside him, were two young boys. One had blonde hair, and the other had black hair. He had just finished reciting the story of the Frost Giants to his two sons, Thor, the one with blonde hair, and Loki, the one with black hair.

"But..." Odin continued, "...the day will come when one of you will have to defend that peace."

"Do the Frost Giants still live?" Loki asked.

Thor turned to him with a confident look. "When I'm King, I'll hunt the monsters down and slay them all!" He declared, punching and kicking the air. "Just as you did Father."

"A wise King never seeks out war." He told his sons. "But he must always be ready for it."

Odin began walking out of the room and the two boys shared a look, smiling at each other before running after their father and each taking one of his hands in theirs.

"I'm ready father." Thor said.

"So am I." Loki insisted.

Odin smiled at his sons. "Only one of you can ascend to the throne. But both of you were born to be Kings." He promised.

As they exited the weapons vault they passed a young girl about their age dressed as a maid, carrying a pile of sheets in her arms. She was short with (h/l) (h/c) hair, (s/c) skin and (e/c) eyes.

Loki looked over his shoulder at her as he walked by, and she noticed him staring. She gave him a small smile and waved. Loki's face flushed and he swiftly turned back around, making the girl frown. But she shrugged it off and continued to go about her chores.


A few moments later, Loki traveled back down the hall where he had last seen her. He felt that he had been a little rude to not return her friendly gesture. He just wasn't used to being around children his own age, much less a girl.

He quickly stride down the halls and turned a corner, bumping into someone. That someone let out a tiny gasp and fell to the floor. Loki looked down and saw the same girl he was looking for sitting on the ground surrounded by white sheets and towels.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Loki said, starting to gather up all the fabrics from the floor.

The girl sat up and started picking them up as well. "It's okay." She replied.

Once all the cloths had been picked up, Loki handed the ones he had back to her and then awkwardly put his hands behind his back.

"...I'm Loki..." he introduced.

The girl looked up at him and curtseyed. "I'm (Y/n), Your Majesty."

Loki shook his head. "You don't have to do any of that. You can just call me Loki."

(Y/n) felt her face grow warm and nodded. "Okay...Loki..."

He smiled at her using his name, and cleared his throat. "I um, was wondering...if you wanted to play."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened. She was very caught off guard by the request. She smiled sadly.

"I'd love to, but I have lots of chores to do. I have to take these to the washroom and clean them." She explained, gesturing to a room at the end of the hall where several older maids could be seen cleaning more sheets. "But maybe another time?" She suggested.

"(Y/n)! Come along girl!" One of the maids shouted from the room.

"Um...I have to go, sorry. Goodbye Your—I mean, Loki."

The little girl turned away from him and started waking to the room at the end of the hall to finish her chores.

Loki watched her go, and furrowed his brows in sadness. Then he got a mischievous glint in his eyes, and he smirked lightly.

He waved his hand, emitting green light, and all of a sudden all the maids and workers in the washroom began screaming and running out of the room.

Following after them were several small rats that scurried along the floor, squeaking about. (Y/n) gasped and dropped the sheets again out of shock.

Once all the other maids had ran away, Loki waved his hand again and the rats disappeared, revealing themselves to only be an illusion.

"I think your day just freed up." Loki called to (Y/n).

She turned to face him and saw the knowing smile on his face. Realizing he was the one who did this, she started giggling.

"I guess it has."

He came over and took her hand, leading her down the halls of the palace to go have fun.


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