Chapter 4: Banished

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Thor smirked and turned back around, using his hammer to hit the Frost Giant back. This, of course, sparked an all out brawl.

The warriors, Sif, (Y/n), and Loki all pulled out their weapons and began fending off Frost Giants left and right.

"At least make it a challenge for me." Thor bragged.

More and more Frost Giants jumped down from the numerous structures, slamming their fists into the ground, making ice spikes shoot up from the ground.

A particularly big Frost Giant came up to Thor and punched him in the face, sending him flying back a few feet. He stood up and laughed.

"That's more like it."

Thor threw his hammer and decapitated the Giant.

Sif was knocked to the ground by a Frost Giant, but Hogun managed to throw a dagger and fend it off.

Loki stood by the edge of a cliff, watching as a Frost Giant came barreling towards him. Loki looked around, and saw nowhere to go as the Giant launched and...went straight through him off the cliff.

The real Loki was hiding behind a pillar, an waved his hand to get rid of the illusion of himself he had cast.

One Frost Giant grabbed Volstagg's arm and he yelled in pain as his skin was burned. (Y/n) uses her sword to stab the Frost Giant, and make him release him.

Volstagg looked down at his arm and saw the large burn mark. "Don't let them touch you!" He cautioned his friends.

Loki stabbed a Frost Giant in the gut, and he fell to his knees. He grasped Loki's arm, causing his armor to fall off revealing bare skin. However, instead of him getting burned, his whole entire arm and hand began to turn blue.

Both Loki and the Frost Giant looked at Loki's arm in shock, before (Y/n) came up behind the Frost Giant and stabbed him in the chest.

He fell to the ground, and Loki lifted up his blue hand and watched as it started to return to its normal color.


He looked up to see (Y/n) staring at him, more specifically his arm, in confusion and shock.

Fandral ducked under the attack of a Frost Giant and used his sword to slice him. Fandral chuckled and confidently turned away only to be met with a spike of ice right through his chest.

He screamed in pain, as Loki threw a dagger at the Frost Giant who had impaled him.

Sif, seeing that they were only getting more and more hurt, turned to Thor. "Thor!"

"We must go!" Loki yelled as Volstagg and Hogun pried the spike out of Fandral.

"Then go!" Thor shouted back, still fighting off the Giants.

Laufey, seeing Thor destroying his subjects, used his magic to start to unfreeze a frozen monster with sharp teeth, red eyes, and large tusks sticking out of its face.

Everyone except Thor seemed to notice the creature start to de-thaw and knew that it would not be good for them to stick around.

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