Chapter 9

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Tori sat up in bed, Feather laying on her feet. She leaned forward and petted the cat, fur coming off and floating in the air. The house was quiet for the time being, but she doubted it would last. Kai and Lloyd both had to go to work soon. And usually the fighting happened in the mornings and afternoons. These people all needed group therapy.

Tori got out of the bed and walked to her dresser. She pulled out the shirt drawer and scanned the shirts. Pulling one out, it was a 3 button up with squares of different sizes and colors. She closed the shirt drawer and went to the pants. She pulled out some high waisted jeans and black belt.

She went and put on the outfit, tucking the shirt in. She plugged in a curling iron and let it heat up. Meanwhile she put on some short yellow socks and some gray converse shoes. After the curling iron heated up, she slightly curled the ends of her hair, before unplugging it.

After getting ready, Tori opened Jeffery's enclosure and pet his head. The snake was slithering around and would occasionally bury his face in the floor. Feather watched Tori from the bed. When the teenager walked over and opened the door, the cat stood and stretched before walking lazily toward the door.

Tori smiled. "Me too girl." The two walked to the stairs to go to the kitchen, before she heard shouting again. She frowned and backed up. Nevermind.

Retreating, she went to the staircase to Jay's room. She went up to the bedroom. Not bothering to knock, as Jay was most likely asleep, she walked in, Feather behind her.

She closed the door, no longer able to hear the fighting. The room was dark, aside from the little sun coming in through the curtains. Tori could hear Jay's breathing. She went over and sat in the middle of the room. Feather came and sat in her lap, allowing Tori to pet her back.

It was nice and peaceful up there. No loud fighting, dark, the air was nice and cool. Whether he had picked it or not, she didn't know. But Jay had the best room in her opinion. The sun illuminated the room so that she could make out shapes in the darkness. She could see the shape of the bed with the desk in the corners. She could also see the closet as well as objects strewn across the room. What they were, she couldn't tell.

Jay shuffled around in his bed and Tori turned to look at him. His arm moved and rubbed his face. He sighed before letting his arm flop back down on the bed. Feather stood off of Tori's lap and jumped on the bed instead. Jay jumped, startled, then sat up with a grunt.

"Tori? Are you in here?" He asked, eyes trying to get used to the dark.

"Yeah. I'm on the floor. Sorry, they were arguing downstairs." Tori said.

"You're just fine." Jay tossed the covers off of him, and swung his legs off the bed. The blue ninja wore long black pajama pants and a navy blue tank top that read 'Tired of this' which fit Jay well enough. He scooped up the cat from his bed and sat next to Tori, handing her Feather. "I said you could come in here didn't I?"

"You did, just felt awkward." Tori said.

"I get that. It's still awkward going into Jen's sometimes." Stomping came up the stairs, along with shouting. Jay sighed and Tori frowned. Why were they up here now? "Is your door closed?" Jay asked.

"What?" Tori asked, giving him a confused look.

"Is your door closed, did they know you got up this morning?" Jay asked again, adding on to his question.

"No and no. Why?"

Jay said nothing, but got up and went to the door. He opened it and shouted lightly downstairs. "Would you all stop fighting? Tori is still asleep!"

"How would you know?" Lloyd asked accusatorially.

"Because she hasn't opened her door today. I can hear all of your doors opening, I count. Now you're yelling. Shush!" Jay said, before closing the door.

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