Chapter 6

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~~~Two days later~~~

Tori woke up in the morning to a knock on her door. She looked at her clock on the night stand. Nine in the morning. She wasn't surprised she woke up that late. She had been up late to hold Jeffrey, and then cleaned for a while.

"Tori? Are you in your room? It's just later than you usually wake up and we haven't seen you around." Lloyd said through the door.

Tori stretched and yawned. "Yeah, I'm in here. Just stayed up a little too late last night." She called.

"Alright. We're just checking on you." Kai said. "Mind if we come in to give you something?"

Tori stepped out of bed and tossed on a jacket over her pajama shirt. "Sure. Come in."

The door knob turned and her foster parents entered her room with smiles. "Good morning Tori." Lloyd said.

"Morning. What's up?" Tori greeted.

Kai grinned. "Well, we just got good news last night. We had decided to wait till the morning to tell you."

"Oh?" Tori asked.

Lloyd bounced on his feet. "Well..." He pulled out a small stack of papers and handed it to Tori. "Take a look."

Tori accepted the papers handed out to her. She looked at the bottom, both were signed by Lloyd and Kai. Then she looked at the top, it read, "Adoption Papers."

Tori's face lit up. "Really!" She looked at the two with a smile. "Is this real?"

Kai smiled. "You betcha. Usually you have to have a job and good income, but since we are the ninja, and Lloyd and I are getting jobs, we got to sign early."

Tori jumped from her bed and hugged her foster, now adoptive parents. "Thank you so much! I can't believe it!"

The two boys hugged her back. "I'm glad you're so excited. We were worried you wouldn't be." Lloyd said.

At this point, Tori was too overjoyed to speak. She had a family, and a pet, and great friends. She just jumped for joy.

"I assume that this means you accept." Kai said. "Just process it how you will."

Tori walked over to Jeffrey's enclosure, taking him out. "You hear that Jeffrey? I get to stay!"

Lloyd smiled, but then looked at the snake. "The snake is cute and all. But, how did you get it?"

"Oh, his name is Jeffrey. He's a milk snake. I got him when I went to Ninjago City with Jay. He bought Jeffrey for me. Well, gave me money for him."

"I thought Jay only gave you a ride? That's all we agreed that would happen." Kai frowned.

Tori looked at he snake, then at Lloyd and Kai. "Oh, well, he wanted to get me something, as we never got to talk much."

Lloyd glared. "I thought you understood  that Jay wasn't someone we thought you should talk to."

"Besides, where did Jay even get the money? He shouldn't have that much money to buy everything." Kai pointed out.

Lloyd turned to the door. "I'm going to have a few words with Jay." He stormed out of the room.

Kai turned to follow and Tori panicked. Having to follow quickly, she didn't have time to put Jeffrey in his enclosure. She followed behind the two, protesting.

"Guys please. It was just a one time outing and nothing happened!" Tori said.

"I don't care. I don't want him to think it's okay to do whatever he wants." Lloyd said.

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