One glass too drunk (dilucxreader)

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"Mmm.." y/n stared off into space, starting to get a bit dizzy.

Diluc.. he's all that I can think of. How dare he not appear when I want to see him most. Y/n slammed the glass onto the table furiously, earning a few confused and angry glares from people sitting near them. Y/n was hurt at the thought that Diluc could quite possibly have forgotten their existence itself.

"Charles.." y/n hiccuped as they raised their hand to call him over. "One more, please." Charles came over, looking like he was feeling something of a cross between fear and concern.

"Ser y/n, um.. maybe you shouldn't have anymore." Charles rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, earning a squinty glare from y/n. "Well.. it's really not that good for you, and..

"Master Diluc wouldn't be too happy with me letting you drink this much." He chuckled nervously, as if trying to get y/n to warm up to him and agree to stop.

"Oh, so now he decides to give a damn about me." Y/n was now shaking with rage. They'd been trying to get in contact with Diluc for the past 3 weeks, all to no avail. He'd always avoid them by saying something about work being important. It finally got on y/n nerves.

Sure, work is important, but is it enough to ignore a friend for three weeks? The word "friend" was not what y/n liked to use— but they decided to settle on that for get-along reasons. They've had a fleeting crush on Diluc for two years now. Some may even be bold enough to say it's love, but y/n wasn't quite ready to fall into the hole of deluding themselves into thinking he loves them yet.

Charles was looking at them cautiously, his eyes unblinking as if y/n could pounce at any moment. He searched for a bit before letting out a breath he'd been holding as a long, exasperated sigh.

"Y/n, with all due respect, that's your, what, 20th glass? I don't know anymore, even with such less customers, I've lost count." Charles looked like a dad lecturing his child. Y/n gave him a mischievous grin.

"Ah, don't you worry, Dad!!" They hiccuped painfully before chugging down another glass of their favorite flavored alcohol. "I'll leave as soon as Diluc DECIDES TO STOP IGNORING ME." Charles massaged his temple before looking around the near empty tavern, looking exasperated.

"Y/n, it's night now. It's about time you head home. " As if on cue, they both hear the rain start to pour. Y/n slowly turns to smile crookedly at Charles.

"Ooooops, it's rainingggg. Might as well let me stay ya knoooowww~" y/n purred, sounding less and less like their usual self by the moment.

Charles cringed painfully and tried to speak again, but was suddenly interrupted by the barging in of the same red headed man who'd been avoiding y/n for the past near month.


"Hey Charles," he started talking without paying any heed to y/n, "I left my coat back here, sorry to bother you at this time-" he gave a small but sheepish smile, to which Charles simply shrugged him off.

"It's no big deal, really." Charles kept side glancing at y/n, and they did not sit with that.

Y/n turned their entire body around to face Diluc before looking him straight in the eye— well, as straight as one could look while mostly drunk.

"DILUC RAGragavinrag-" They muttered something else under their breath, but the two men were two confused by this sudden outburst to hear it. "Whatever your name is."

Diluc stared at them incredulously, to which y/n smiled— at least I'm not invisible anymore, they thought proudly.

Once Diluc noticed the state that y/n was in, his earlier ignoring act seemed to melt away from him as he looked at them with concern.

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