Hide & seek (ayatoxreader)

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I whisper-screamed quietly as I scanned the nearby bushes in search for the sneaky little hooded ninja.

"It's me. Y/n." I spoke out to the rustling greens in front of me. "You probably think I'm helping Ayato, but— I can try and help you escape."

The bushes rustled a little louder than before. I smiled to myself. "Sure, I'm not as good a hider as you, but—

"I can kinda understand how you feel."

A short girl emerged from the bushes. She had a look on her face looking as if she got in some trouble of sorts.

"Y/n, you'd better stand by your word.." Sayu grumbled grumpily as she tiptoed past me, gesturing me to follow her.

I followed her as quietly as possible, eyeing around us to see if Master Ayato was anywhere to be seen.

Nope.. not yet anyway.

Hi, my name is y/n l/n, and I work under Master Ayato; Kamisato Ayato, Miss Ayaka's brother. And currently— well, as per usual, Kano Nana was having trouble finding Sayu. And this time, she just so happened to run into Ayato, which led to poor me being dragged into the whole fiasco.

Although, there's a catch. I've always been one to sympathize with poor Sayu. So that's why I decided that this is the perfect time to help her escape.

Or at least try.

I was already quite tired from somewhat of a chase— Ayato had noticed that I slipped away from him without realizing, and temporarily, he'd forgotten about chasing Sayu and ended up chasing me for about thirty minutes or so. I just got lucky that there was an easily concealing bush which led away from him. I had been on all fours crawling through the bush and got multiple cuts in the way.

I knew neither me, Sayu, nor both of us together could outrun Ayato for long, but until then, I continued to follow Sayu.

"Hey, so-" she hissed at me to be quiet, so I whispered, "do you have any solid plan in mind?"

She looked around her, then answered hesitantly. "Well.. no, I'm just going wherever my nose is pointing toward at this point. Please," she had a pleading look in her eyes, "don't get me caught. I really don't want to hate you. You're so.. un-hateable."

I giggled quietly. I've never been one to get up to any sort of mischief, so I'd say I had a pretty untainted reputation, to say the least.

Suddenly, Sayu stopped in her tracks and turned around with a huge smile on her face. I looked back questioningly. "Hey.. since we're on the run anyway, why not go into the town? It's going to make it a whooole lot more interesting." She smiled mischievously as I rubbed my neck nervously.

"I- I uhm.. I'm not very experienced at this— I could get us caught.." I trailed off guiltily.

"Doesn't matter. I'll sacrifice you if I must." She whipped around and scurried off on her two short legs, fast enough not to give me enough time to give a reply as I tried to keep up with her.

I finally caught up with her while she was crouched over behind a boulder. "What do you mean 'sacrifice' me?" I sighed out quietly.

Completely unfazed, she answered plainly. "Well, what I mean is that you go out as bait if you were to get us caught, giving me enough time to escape and go have my well deserved nap."

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