The Beach Episode (Part 3)

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Meanwhile in an ally not too far away, the three Cherubs are looking worse for wear. Torn clothes, rugged hair/wool, dirt covering them from head to toe and a miserable look on their faces. Laying on scraps of cardboard for comfort and surrounded by garbage. Collina pulls out a small harmonica and begins to play a sad tune. Keenie looks over to her and motioned for her to hand it over, Collina gives the harmonica to her and Keenie snaps it in half before throwing it in the flaming oil drum without a word. Collina then bring out another harmonica but before she starts playing she sees Keenie giving her the same look as before and decides to put it away. Cletus then stand up and stomps his tiny foot on the ground, making a squeaking dog toy noise, in frustration and yells.

Cletus: RRAAGGHH! I can't take it anymore! I hate being banished, i hate the Living World, i hate fighting for scraps, i hate living like this!

Collina: B-but what are we supposed t-to do? W-we can't go B-back, we can't show ourselves t-to the human's, we c-can't do anything...

She slumps down feeling depressed but Cletus' eyes light up with a crazy idea.

Cletus: Maybe we can do something after all... *Collina and Keenie look up at him in confusion* We can go to Hell.

Both gasp and jolt at his insane plan. Keenie pulls her knees close to her and starts rocking back and forth while mumbling Bible verses to herself. Collina starts hyperventilating before grabbing a near by paper bag and rapidly breaths into it as it inflates and deflates with her.

Cletus: Think about it. We have nowhere else to go so it might be our only option.

Collina briefly stops her panic attack to speak.

Collina: H-H-Hell!? T-the place of the D-Damned!? It's b-bad enough that we were b-banished but now y-you want to drag us even lower!?

Keenie stands up and stops rambling to argue.

Keenie: I would rather die than be with those Fiends!

Cletus: Well, do you two have a better plan?

Keenie was about to argue again but stopped with the same breath. Collina only started to panic even more.

Collina: H-Hell?! I-I mean you h-have a point but still... I-it all sounds c-crazy. I-I might be going lightheaded b-but am I-I going a bit pale? A-are my feathers f-falling out? I-is my Halo c-rooked?! A-ARE I BECOMING FALLEN?! W-WHAT IF I END UP LIKE LAMBY?!

Keenie quickly stops Collina second panic attack by shaking he violently while shouting in her face.


As they continue to lose their sanity Cletus looks around the corner of the alleyway and down to the beach, he turns back around and shouts to get their attention.

Cletus: Hey! I think i found our way out of here.

The two other Cherub's peak around to look for what he's found.

Keenie: What is it? Did you find something?

Cletus: Not something...

He points down towards the beach as the two follow his gaze to see (Y/N) sitting and talking with Verosika and the Succubi, making the two blush slightly.

Helluva Boss: Aliens Unleashed (Ben 10 Male Reader x Helluva Boss Harem)Where stories live. Discover now