Don't Test Your Luck

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The day starts as usual in IMP with Blitza getting calls from clients. Due to it being St. Patricks Day, she was planning on having IMP take a day off, and go to a bar, but these were last minutes clients that Blitza decided to schedule before she realized what day it was on.

So now (Y/N), Blitza, Moxxie, and Millie are going over what they know about the job.

(Y/N): So how many targets are we going after?

Blitza: Four.

Millie: Is there anything we need to know about them before we start slaying?

Blitza: They're not real threats combat-wise, but they did murder our clients over a couple of coins, so watch your backs, and don't let your guard down. I don't need a repeat of what happened with Martha.

Moxxie: You're still on that?

Blitza: What? No, I'm just making a point. But thanks for the reminder.

Moxxie: Dammit.

Blitza: Now this may seem like the usual shit we do. Do you know? Go in, get out, that sort of deal.

(Y/N): And according to what the clients said, it should be easy. But there is a catch. It's where they're located that is the tricky part.

Millie: Where are they located?

Blitza: Some sleazy casino in a town with an Irish culture or something.

(Y/N): The place will be packed full of people. Our best option is to either catch them in their rooms or somewhere secluded. Also, we're gonna need disguises so we can blend in.

Blitza: This will be like a heist. Only instead of stealing something, were killing targets.

Moxxie: So still an assassination.

Blitza: No one asked you, Mox.

The scene now cuts to an Irish-themed casino where we can see (Y/N) and the imps dressed up in disguises with some fancy clothing. Mainly formal clothing, so it's nothing too flashy. Blitza was wearing a woman's suit, the same as Moxxie, and Millie was wearing a black dress with a slit that reveals her left leg with arm-length gloves. Even (Y/N) was wearing a black suit that made him look like a secret agent, especially with his hair slicked back professionally.

Blitza: Ok, here's the plan. We each find our targets, and we split up. Got it?

(Y/N), Moxxie, & Millie: Got it.

(Y/N): And as an added incentive if we do a good job, I'm buying everyone drinks when we get back.

The imps cheered at that.

However, as they entered the casino, they don't notice that a deadly yet diminutive figure had arrived.

???: So this be where the last of me shillings be? How may deal with the thieves? We shall see.

The group makes their way onto the casino floor and begins and insoutshoutt their assigned targets.

They soon spot their targets:

Blitza's target: A balding pig of a man flaunting his wealth as he wins another casino game while surrounded by bitches.

(Y/N)'s target: A short-haired woman in a white dress and some overly exaggerated assets while being eyed by every straight man, and gay woman in the bar.

Helluva Boss: Aliens Unleashed (Ben 10 Male Reader x Helluva Boss Harem)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora