Good Bye

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So guys something urgent & important came up at work so have to finish all of the story today, do tell me in comments about this story.

And currently I don't feel like to continue writing as you'll know I'm not satisfied with the response & stuff.

I have written one more short story completely and it is saved in my laptop, I don't know, I'll publish it or not.

After completing my work assignment if I feel like coming back then I'll surely be back with some other story, otherwise it'll be my final
You guys can also give me a follow🥰
Good Bye 👋

Life wasn't supposed to be like this right? Life was supposed to be genuine friends rooting for you instead of pulling you down. Life was supposed to be bff goals instead of goodbyes that were never really said. Life was supposed to be good grades in college instead you failed. Life was supposed to be job at 26, marriage at 30 instead of questioning your existence at 2am because you couldn't achieve the goals that you set. Life was supposed to be running after dreams instead of family expectations. Or Maybe.... this is exactly how life was supposed to be? Twisted, difficult, confusing but worth living? Maybe the people who left, the friends who pulled you down, the job you were rejected from, the marriage that didn't work, maybe all this was in your favour that you will finally realize one day. So just know that what's happening is exactly how its supposed to happen. Just Becuase life isn't how you planned, doesn't mean it's not the best for you. Indeed it's written by the best of the planners.


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