Chapter 18

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Haseena steps into the room and quickly puts a stall in her steps. Some things in the room have changed since she left a few hours ago. She spent the night in the hospital bed where Karishma occupied half of it. There weren't a lot of conversation as Karishma was drowsing and Haseena was already too exhausted. However, there was peace that finally found its way to Haseena even for a brief moment and brought her to sleep. She slept with Karishma breathing so steady next to her. Although it was cramped, it was something she wouldn't trade for anything.

"Hey." Karishma responds to the greeting before her eyes would move from the TV screen to the source of the sound. Once they do, she unintentionally does the double take. Haseena comes back in her simple white blouse and jeans but somehow, that makes Karishma's heart skip a huge beat. She tries to hide her smile although it is too obvious but Haseena seems to be too busy with the strange surrounding that she doesn't notice it or mock it.

"Hello, officer." Haseena's eyes land on the uniform officer who sits comfortably with a box of sandwiches on his lap. He should be keeping watch in front of the room but now, he is watching whatever Karishma has on the TV. He smiles at her with a tiny wave of a sandwich. "What are you guys doing?"

"Just watching a show." Karishma answers and acts like she is very concentrating on the show she has been watching since Haseena left.

"Is it goo... oh." Haseena turns to the screen as she approaches Karishma's bed and realizes that Karishma is watching her show. She smiles. "It's a good show."

"It is." The officer agrees with his mouth-full. "You were amazing in this, Miss Malik."

"You disagree, Karishma?" Haseena raises her eyebrow to the girl who still keeps her eyes on the screen like a hawk even though Haseena has yet to appear in the scene.

"Well..." Karishma clears her throat and before she gets to do anything more, Haseena's reach gets her. She is making her a hair bun again.

"I'm listening." Haseena runs her hand through Karishma's hair and puts some of her hair together to make a bun right on top of her messy head.

Karishma leans forwards a bit to accommodate something she hasn't agreed to but knows a bit too well now that she cannot stop her. "You kissed Will a lot from episode 2 onwards -"

"My character kissed Will's character." Haseena corrects her with a tiny chuckle.

"Also, isn't it a bit weird that you fell for him quite quickly? It's just episode 3. I don't even know what his character's name is."

"Karishma." Haseena lingers her hands on Karishma's cheeks and cups her face in her hands. Their eyes meet and the amber in Karishma's eyes make quite an extraordinary flame to keep her warm from the inside.

"Good thing you had a stunt body for episode 3."

"Karishma!" Haseena quickly changes a gentle adoring touch into a hard squeeze on Karishma's cheeks. Karishma laughs as she rests her hand on Haseena's waist and wishes she doesn't have to let go.

"I... will go outside." The officer clears his throat and gets on his feet as he starts to feel that he is third-wheeling them. He cautiously nods at Karishma. "Detective."


"Thank you." Haseena whispers and smiles at the officer who is making his way out of the room to the place he is supposed to be. Then, she turns back to Karishma whose eyes fix on her and whose finger hooks through her belt loop. "So. You've... never fallen for anyone that fast?"

"That's not what I said." Karishma smirks as her heartbeat raises when Haseena crinkles her nose to her answer. She moves her eyes back to the screen although she can't really pay attention anymore when the star of the show is acting out as her own personal star right by her. "You were amazing, Haseena. You'll probably be in the next Marvel movie."

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