Chapter 13

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"What?" With surprise, Haseena tries to pull back but Karishma's embrace doesn't allow her. Karishma holds on as tight as she can and she intends to do so until Haseena agrees to her plan. When Haseena finds no success in pulling away, she stops. She lets Karishma hold her in her loving arms but she makes sure Karishma knows that this is not her going along with her masterplan. "No."

Karishma refuses to hear Haseena's denial. She doesn't care if she says no. A gentle kiss by the ear is given; in hope that Haseena would change her mind and follows the instruction more willingly. Then, Karishma pulls back as much as she can with Haseena's cuffed hands behind her neck like a confinement she is willing to be in for the rest of her life. She smiles. "You really need to."

"No." Haseena stands by her word and shakes her head to make her denial become more solid. She doesn't even want to know the reason behind this bizarre request. It is just too absurd to her ears and too ridiculous for her mind. She just hopes that Karishma will say she was joking and that was not what she really meant.

"There is exactly one bullet in the gun right now but I'll add more for you. You'll use it and you'll shoot right at me." Karishma explains more and removes herself from Haseena's arms. She starts to wander to the uncertain destination with all the power she has left. She staggers as if she has two left feet and the world is shaking to its core. "I'll get you more so you can shoot them if you need to."

"Karishma." Haseena begs so hopelessly as she sees that Karishma shows no signs of taking her words back. She watches her reach the sloppy-looking brick wall by the toilet door that is blocking the dripping sound as best as it can and fall down to her knees. Karishma knocks on each brick as if she is trying to enter the world that doesn't exist until there is a brick that gives the hollow sound. She slowly pulls it out and takes the bullets that have been hidden safe and sound. "How-"

"This was my parents' house." Karishma interrupts the question with the answer that Haseena is looking for with her confused face. "My dad hid them in every room; just in case something happened. Clearly, they didn't help much."

"Why are we..." Haseena is still as confused. Although one answer is revealed, there are plenty more that are still in the dark. But this time around, she doesn't wait for another answer to be given, she can figure it out all on her own. "He is blaming this on you."

Karishma looks at Haseena and smiles. She is proud. She is proud of this girl who can catch up really fast and even rush her steps to get ahead of her. She is more than certain that she will be nothing but proud if one day she falls completely right into her. If one day she gets a chance to do so. If one day exists.

"Karishma." Haseena resists Karishma's plan as much as she possibly can while Karishma shoves bullets from the hollow bricks into her jeans pocket. She tries to stop Karishma from building a little arsenal in her pockets but Karishma doesn't let her. She makes sure those bullets are secured and accessible before putting a few that are left in her hand into the gun. Her hands are shaky from the drugs that are too high to wear out but she still manages to complete the mission.

"Why don't you use it to get us out? I can... I am a victim here and I can say who is really behind this. I can tell them the whole story. He can't falsely accuse you."

Karishma manages to put on the faintest smile and shakes her head. Haseena means well but her well intention is useless here. "Brian has been with the PD for a long time; done tons of cases and tons of undercovers. When he plans something, he makes sure that... there is no gaps or holes. Now, he's planned to put everything on me. Whatever he has in his hands right now, it is enough to make everything convincible. If you talked to get me out of this, do you know what it would make you look like? A crazy celebrity who possibly has a Stockholm syndrome. We cannot walk out of here together, Haseena. I'm sorry. If you don't shoot me, he'll shoot me and you."

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