// entry forty //

30 7 1

I forgot to put a time-stamp on this so it's now 13th of January, 2055 on a Wednesday.

// friendzoned: my skin crawls and the hairs on the backs of my arms stand on end when you look me straight in the eyes, look me straight in the heart and look me straight into my soul and say that we should simply stay friends. //

// passengers: he had such an impact on me in such little time and we'll never meet again and even if he reads this one day he would never know it was from me; the girl on the train who he kept staring at //

// lies: if I had a heart like yours I would be set for life, i could just feel free and I wouldn't think compliments were lies //

if i don't say this i'll explode // a book of poetryWhere stories live. Discover now