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Faith walked through the hallway, wearing an off shoulder black slit dress. She was trying to navigate her way from the casino back to the room Erza, Lucy and her were sharing together.

Before this, the group (her, Lucy, Happy, Natsu and Gray) were all in the casino, gambling, playing games or just looking around the place. Though, it was a few minutes in that Faith realised that Erza wasn't with all of them.

She asked Lucy about it and she told her that she thought that she was still in the room they share. So here Faith was, trying to find Erza.

When she finally found the room the three shared, she lightly knocked on it. "Erza are you in here?" She called out, hoping for a response.

When she heard a muffle response she opened it, seeing the scarlet haired mage in her armor.

"I was looking for you," Faith stated with a kind smile, "You should come downstairs, there's a casino and everything. The whole group is there!"

"Oh right, I forgot they have such a place here," Erza said, surprised before she reequipped into a slick wine dress, "How do I look?"

Faith grinned as she gave a thumbs up, "Amazing, now hurry let's go meet up with the others!"

Faith then skipped down the hall, Erza following the girl with a smile.


When the two entered the bottom floor, they decided to split paths as they had things they wanted to look at.

Faith wondered around, admiring the place. She smiled as a person from her hometown appeared in her head. They would've enjoyed this she thought, sighing. As she looked around, her eyes locked on a what seemed like a makeshift poker match, smiling when she recognized the familiar raven coloured hair.

"Gray!" She shouted, gaining attention from the said man.

He eyes held a look of confusion though when he caught sight of the gravity mage, it softened as he sighed in relief.

"Faith, hey. I was wondering where you were," He said with a small smile though his eyes slightly widened when he saw the girl jogging towards him, "Wait slow down, you might fall wearing those heels if you run like that."

When Faith was in a close enough distance to comfortably talk to the ice mage, she rolled her eyes playfully, waving him off.

"I'm fine, don't worry," She said with a grin, though his expression stayed deadpan making her punch him in the arm playfully, "Since when were you a worry heart?"

"I'm not, I was just afraid you might've broke something if you fell over, who knows how much everything here costs," Gray stated teasingly causing and irk mark to rise on Faith's head.

"Why you-" Faith started, making Gray freeze, "Come here Fullbuster. I'm going to make you count your days."

The two then began to playfully banter with each other, verbally of course (they didn't want to tear the whole casino down) that they didn't hear footsteps approaching.

"U-um excuse me," The feminine voice said, causing the two to stop bantering.

When the looked at the person, their eyes widened, both for different reasons. One of them held confusion, shock and a little bit of fear while the other looked happy and excited. I don't need to tell you which pair of eyes belong to which.

"Juvia!" Faith cheered happily as she slung an arm around the blue haired girl. Her eyes widened as not only was she not expecting the contact from the brunette but also that she remembered her name.

The Weight Between {Fairy Tail Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now