♢A Job with Gray Fullbuster♢

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It was another normal day in Magnolia. In the Fairy Tail guild hall, a certain gravity wizard could be seen sitting on a bar stool, drinking a cup of lemonade while making small talk with the ice mage.

"Huh? Did someone take that 200,000 Jewel job for stealing a book?" A blue headed girl asked disappointedly, catching the attention of the two mages.

"Yep. Natsu said he was going to ask Lucy to help," Mira replied, picking up some cutlery that was left on the tables.

"Aww, I was considering taking it too..."

"It might be for the best that you didn't go Levy," A wise voice intervened which made Levy and a few others (Gray and Faith included) turn towards the voice, who turned out to be Master Makarov.

"Master!" Levy said, surprised.

"I just received word from the client."

"Did they cancel the job?" Mira asked curiously.

"No... he's raising the reward to two million jewel," he said seriously making the others who were listening shocked.

"Two million?!"

"Two million for one book?!"

"That's the kind of reward you'd get for defeating monsters!"

Faith's eyes widened. Two million?! That's crazy... just what's so important about that book?

"Why the sudden increase?" Mira questioned to herself in a soft voice.

The gravity user sighed before feeling a slight chill next to her. Looking at where it was coming from, she noticed Gray smirking.

"Things are getting interesting now," he said with a hint of arrogance.

Although it wasn't a laughing matter, Faith couldn't help but stifle a laugh while Mira sweat-dropped.

"Gray. Pants," Mira pointed out making Faith double over from laughter.

"I-I'm sorry, this shouldn't be a laughing matter but you saying that in just your underwear is just-" Faith couldn't finish her sentence as she was cut off from her own cackle while Gray shrieked in horror.


"Hey Faith," A masculine voice that belonged to no other than Gray said, making the said girl look up with him, raising a brow.

"Do you want to go on a job with me?" he asked casually.

This is not a rare occurrence since both of them go on jobs with each other on occasions. Faith recalled the first time she asked the boy, it was quite awkward. But now, it was nothing out of the ordinary.

Although the duo goes on jobs together a lot, they are known as an unofficial duo since they don't classify themselves as a team.

Faith looked at him putting a hand out. He rolled his eyes playfully before giving her the flyer, making her smile. The girl put her legs on the table as she leaned back while scanning the flyer.

"Catching six robbers? Yeah um, why do I need to help?" Faith asked as she looked up from the flyer to the raven haired boy as he sighed.

"Can't you read Kaletski, they're not normal robbers, they're dark wizards," he pointed out while the other huffed.

"Okay Fullbuster, can't you defeat them yourself? or can you not handle it?" she asked in a teasing tone as an irk mark appeared on Gray's forehead.

"Why you- I need your agility, it will be faster and easier."

"Oh, so you need me just because you don't want to waste your precious time, wo-"

"If you read the paper, it's worth 500,000 jewels."

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