♢The End of The Quest?♢

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Faith stifled a laugh as Lucy's eyes were wide in disbelief.

"Wha...? The ruins are, umm, tilted..." The blonde pointed out while the others examined the ruins.

"Natsu probably," Faith said with a sweat-drop, Gray and Erza agreeing as Happy and Lucy stood there shocked.

"Dunno how he pulled it off, but only he'd do something this nonsensical. Was it on purpose, or just dumb luck?" Gray questioned, "Either way, the moonlight won't hit Deliora now."

"I can't believe his habit of destroying things turned out useful here," Lucy mentioned, recovering from shock.

Faith chuckled before her eyes widened, turning to the side. Luckily, she wasn't the only one who noticed.

"Watch out!" Erza shouted, knocking Happy and Lucy away as razors spinned towards the wizards.

Faith, Gray and Erza dodged them swiftly, a deadpan expression plastered on their faces.

"Who goes there?!" Erza asked.

In a blink of an eye, multiple masked wizards appeared in front of them.

"We found you Fairy Tail!"

"We will not allow you to interfere with the Cold Emperor!"

"These guys..." Gray said with an annoyed tone.

"Lyon's minions?!" Erza questioned, examining the masked people.

"We're surrounded!" Lucy exclaimed urgently.

"Don't worry, Erza and I got it," The semi brunette announced as a green glow surrounded her body, making Lucy and Gray look at the her.

Erza nodded in agreement as a red magic circle appeared in front of her hands, a sword appearing in them.

"Faith, Erza...!" Gray uttered as Faith just smiled.

"Go, Gray," Erza said calmly.

"Go resolve things with Lyon. Knock some sense in him," Faith said with a small smirk.

Gray looked at the two girls in shock, snapping out of it as he nodded back at them.

"Don't worry, we're here too! Go on!" Lucy exclaimed as she brought out her whip with a smirk as Happy was next to her, holding a fish as a weapon.

Gray smirked at them before he sprinted away to the ruins. As Lyon's so called minions were about to go after the raven haired, Faith stood in front of them.

"Sorry everyone, but in order to get that far, you have to go through me first," She stated as she showed a slight smirk, "now let's see what you can do."


"G-Gray!" Natsu exclaimed as ice surrounded the said boy.

What was Gray doing? Performing Iced Shell is what he's doing. Yes, the exact spell Ur did that caused Deliora to be frozen in ice. The exact spell that caused Ur to sacrifice herself.

"The fact Ur died because of me will never change," Gray started as his bandages undid itself from the spells impact, cracks forming on his face, "no matter how much time passes, I have to take responsibility for it at some point I'm going to do it here. I've been prepared to die for the last ten years!"

Lyon's eyes widened in shock at the opposing ice mages words. "Are you serious?!"

"Answer me, Lyon!" Gray exclaimed seriously, ignoring the boys last remark, "Will we both die, or will we both live?!"

"Do it. You don't have the courage to die. You can't possibly have it!" Lyon said with a confident smirk while Gray just looked at him blankly.

"Sorry, you're wrong."

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