Chspter III: Part III - Heartbroken

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Taylor sat beside Chris; placing her head on his shoulder; as the two were being escorted back into the city: courtesy of Taylor's security detail.

Chris looked over at Taylor: "fast asleep," Chris thought to himself.

Chris peered out of the window; he witnessed the scenery which portrayed the vast, and open wildlife which embodied Mother Nature: the all knowing, all loving being which Taylor emulated. If Chris was to peg himself as any deity - it would be that of a ghost of sorts; as Chris' skin was always 'cold,' as people had told him. The difference; tonight - was that Chris felt warm for the first time in his life, after spending many nights on the Vancouver streets; and through the throes of popping pain killers to quell the nerves from feeling alive and throbbing full of life.

They arrived at Taylor's home in the Hamptons of Edmonton; on the outskirts, so to speak.

The vehicle slowed and came to a complete stop. The driver opened the back door for Chris; who was accompanied by Taylor.

Chris took Taylor's hand as she stepped out of the back seat, and they stepped onto the foyer of the vicinities - a large palatial home with a fountain and different species of plants and a circular concrete driveway.

The two entered the wooden doorway, and found themselves on the floor of the home; making out - passionately; violently.

They rolled two and fro on the floor; ripping each other's garments off one another; until Chris was shirtless, and Taylor was down to her undergarments.

Then: the panting began; and they began making love on the floor of the foyer of the inside of the home; underneath the chandelier.

Taylor rode Chris; cowgirl position, and stared into his eyes; at his pretty - yet, rugged complexion; and then up at the ceiling as her eyes nearly rolled back in her head as she began to come to climax.

She collapsed on top of Chris; gasping for air as she orgasmed in unison with Chris.

They held on to each other for a period of time - until the phone rang.

"Get up, come on - get up-"

"I don't want to answer that." Taylor replied.

There was a moment of silence between the two as the phone continued to ring.

"Come on, get up." Chris said,

Then: there was a heavy knocking at the door.

"Oh, great-" Taylor said.

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