chapter 1

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WOW! It was really warm here! Much better than England!  I looked to my twin Nicole and saw tears running down her face. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her. She had taken our parents deaths the worst.


We were sat in chairs outside our parents ward, waiting for the doctors to leave when we heard a long beep. Oh no. One of the was gone. That was it. I couldn't be the strong big sister, I fell to the floor crying while Nicole just sat there as if she didn't believe that it had happened. After a few more minutes like this there was another long beep. Both our parents were dead. We were orphans.


Thats why we were here. In Melbourne. Our parents had died in a car crash three weeks back. We had moved here to live with our cousin Shimone.

Me and Nicole walked towards the luggage claim to get our suitcases. I grabbed my purple suticase and Nicole grabbed her black one which she had customized with Mcfly stickers. She was obsessed with boybands. Who am I kidding we both are!!! But the way we showed it was different. Where as I had clothes and badges of my boybands Nicole had more posters and stickers.

I pulled my phone out to text Shimone to let her know we had gotten here alright. I had lots of goodbye messages from people but I couldn't be bothered to reply. I pulled out my headphones and started to put them into my ipod when I bumped into someome. I stepped back and looked up and saw a girl with her long brown hair in a high ponytail with brown eyes.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!!!" She exclaimed

"No! Don't worry it was my fault I wasn't looking where I was going!" I told her. I smiled up at her said bye and caught up with Nicole. We went outside to get a taxi

"52 Bourke Street please" I told the driver.

As we parked outside Shimones house I payed the dirver and knocked on the house door. Shimone answered and engulfed us in a big hug.

"How are you girls?" She asked

"We're okay I guess" Nicole told her

"Come on girls! Lets get you unpacked" She told us. We walked into the house with our suticases and looked around the house. It was all pink and white! It was beautiful!!

"Its BEAUTIFUL!!!" I exclaimed

"I love it!!" Nicole told her

"Thanks girls. Come on let me show you too your rooms." She said as we started to walk over to the stairs we grabbed our suitcases and brung them up with us.

"Nicole your rooms on the left and Danielle yours is on the right" She told us

"I'll let you two settle into your rooms without me." She said, smiled and walked back downstairs.

"You wanna go in together?" I asked Nicole.

"Okay your room first" She told me

So I pulled my suitcase into the room and looked around 

I loved it!!

3 of the walls were painted a deep pink with small hearts up the corners of the walls. The other wall was painted black with a white headboard and a double bed with black and pink covers. There was small pink lights around the headboard. There was a black door at the back off the room I walked over to it and opened it. I screamed and started jumping up and down.

"What is it?" Nicole asked me.

"A WALK-IN WADROBE!!!!!!" I screamed.

I walked inside and saw a few a bags on a wall peg, some flip-flops and a black bikini on a rail. On the floor was some black and pink cushions.

"Oh my gosh I need to unpack!!!!!" I told Nicole

"You can do that after we look at my room!" She, Grabbed my arm and started walking out of the room, She grabbed her suitcase on the way to her door and let go of my arm then pushed the door open. She pushed it open slowly and looked inside She slowly walked in and looked around. The walls were painted light yellow.with white accesories. She also had a double bed on a white wooden base with a white headboard, It had pale yellow covers with white flowers at the bottom. 

She also had a walk in wadrobe with the same things in it as me but different colours,

We were compete opposites. Nicole liked pale colours I like darker colours. I loved The Wanted She loves one direction. I was obbssesed with shopping she was obbssesed with photography,

We sat down on the bed and talked about anything and everything,

After a while Shimone called us down to talk to us.

"Girls I know there isn't much in your rooms so tomorrow I'll take you shopping"

"You don't have to do that!!" Nicole said.

"I want to" She told us

"Gon you too go get changed and go down to the beach!"Me and Nicole turned around and ran up the stairs too get changed.We both loved the beach.

And who knows,.

There might be some hot guys there......... 

Will Love Last? Janoskians fanfic *SLOWLY UPDATING*Where stories live. Discover now