Push and Pull

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Beatrix crouched behind a dusty file cabinet in the attic of the language building. She'd dashed up six flights of stairs to reach this hiding spot.

Her heart raced as she listened for her pursuer.

The attic door creaked.

Beatrix held her breath.

After a moment of silence, a flap of wings.


Beatrix stumbled back.

Astar, perched atop the file cabinet like a gargoyle, looked down at her.

"You'll need to be faster than that," Astar said, smug.

Beatrix glared up at him.

"You almost fooled me this time," Astar said. "I thought you were headed for the history building. But when I got there, I ran into a hideous goblin scurrying around in that attic." He wrinkled his face in disgust.

Beatrix paused. "Goblin? You mean Greta, the lunch lady? What was she doing up there?"

Astar shrugged. "Talking to someone. Her voice was unpleasant. By the way, why is everyone here so ugly?"

Beatrix raised a brow.

"Present company excluded," he winked. "Good thing you have me for a change of scenery."

Beatrix rolled her eyes. Astar's constant insults toward Monster High's residents no longer surprised her.

Winter break couldn't end soon enough.

Beatrix and Autumn had stayed on campus during the break while everyone else went home. Even Grey had left for the holidays.

Before he'd left, Grey had called Autumn's iCoffin one night.

This devil situation is less than ideal, he'd said to Beatrix.

No kidding, Beatrix had sighed. I should've known my aunts wouldn't let me escape selling my soul. Don't worry, I won't go along with any schemes or evil plans Astar conjures up. He won't be around for long.

If that devil even jokes about using witchcraft or messing with anyone at school... Grey started.

He sounded like he was being pulled in a thousand different directions.

Beatrix understood why Grey despised the idea of devils at Monster High, as he had explained their menacing nature when they'd spoken behind the gardening shed early in the year. But she couldn't fathom why Grey felt responsible for keeping other students safe.

I'll keep you posted over the break, Beatrix had reassured him.

Grey had no choice but to take her word for it.

So he left, and campus had been empty for weeks.

Leaving Beatrix alone with her scarecrow friend and a clingy devil babysitter.

She wanted to keep Autumn away from the devil, which was actually easy since Autumn was busy studying.

Autumn had received straight A's last semester, except for one A- in Biteology, which had deeply distressed her. Subsequently, Autumn holed herself up in the library to "properly prepare" for next semester so she wouldn't score so low again.

Meanwhile, Astar had clung to Beatrix's side.

He hadn't commanded her to do anything evil so far. He was just annoying.

Astar had abandoned his harsh military uniforms and now mostly wore sweatpants and black tank tops. He would go for a daily run around the school's perimeter, followed by an hour of lifting in the student gym.

That morning while he was lifting, Beatrix left for her janitor shift without informing him which attic she was going to, hoping to avoid his pestering for the day.

But she'd failed.

Beatrix moved to grab her broom.

Astar hopped down from his perch. They stood toe to toe now. He was only a bit taller, but his sharp devil horns added a few inches.

Astar grinned mischievously at her.

Beatrix sidestepped him.

"You know, your aloofness is just pulling me in," Astar teased.

Beatrix ignored him and pulled her hair into a braid. Astar walked alongside her.

"You have a unique opportunity no ordinary mortal gets to experience. About time you took advantage of me," he said, winking.

"Give it a rest, will you?" Beatrix muttered, sweeping the attic floor.

"I'm sure you're curious about me. How about this: for every question you ask, I get to ask a question in return. You start."

"Did my aunts send you and your mom here?"

"Yes," Astar answered immediately. "Your aunts summoned my mom and told her about your arrival at Monster High months ago. You're the first witch to enter these grounds, which we found fascinating."

"And my aunts told you about my school board trial?"

"Yes. From what I've heard, you've been using a lot of witchcraft. Your aunts said you're terrible at magic, but it seems they underestimated you," Astar snickered.

He extended two talons. "Now I get two questions. You came here to avoid a devil contract. Why?"

"I don't want to live the way my aunts do," Beatrix reluctantly confessed. "Why would I want a tyrant to force me to obey their whims? And if I don't meet your demands, you'll abandon me, or worse. Devils are ruthless when they no longer find witches useful."

"You can't blame devils for that," Astar said. "With so many willing witches, why would a devil stay with an unruly or untalented one? We let witches thrive, help them harness power in this earthly realm. I can see you haven't witnessed the true benefits of a contract. Anyway, my second question: tell me about your scarecrow friend."

"Why do you care?" Beatrix snapped, instantly protective.

"I'm curious about the monster who brought you here."

"Aunt Clarice created her to work on our farm when I was a kid," Beatrix said sharply. "My turn. Why was Bloodgood so accommodating to you?"

"Because she was afraid," Astar said. "I don't expect you to know this, but most monsters are created by witchcraft."

Beatrix didn't betray that she was already aware, thanks to Grey.

Astar continued, "Bloodgood knows the curse that turned her family into headless horsemen was a result of witchcraft. Meaning, it was a devil who commanded a coven to curse her family. Why would she want to provoke the ones responsible for her undead existence?"

He sounded very nonchalant about it.

Beatrix didn't hide her contempt. "Devils are despicable," she sneered.

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