The Monster Sensitivity Seminar

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The pamphlet in Beatrix's hand read, "When the Undead Pass On: A Guide to Grieving and Healing" in a fancy gothic font. The cover displayed a picture of a sad, misty graveyard.

This was a pretty bleak introduction to the Monster Sensitivity Seminar, or "MSS," as Bloodgood had called it.

The seminar had been rescheduled multiple times and relocated to a new classroom in the west wing of campus because the original spot was deemed too close to the crime scene.

On the north side of campus, just outside the iron fence that encircled the school, the security team was conducting an investigation in the woods. Yellow barricade tape closed off the area to keep curious students away.

Ever since the first day of classes, when the shocking news had broken, a gloom had hung over Monster High. Remembrance photos of the deceased student were plastered everywhere in the halls, the botanical club had planted a garden in the dead student's memory, and a memorial service had taken place in the screamatorium.

The student's name was Gilda Goldstag, a horned monster who was well-known around campus and loved to spend her free time reading classic literature in nature.

But there was something about Gilda's untimely death that intrigued Beatrix: the cause of it.

No one had publicly explained what had happened—not the school newspaper, not the teachers, not even Bloodgood. The adults on campus were oddly tight lipped on the subject.

Regardless of how many times Beatrix asked the other lunch ladies about what they'd heard, she stayed in the dark. Rumors were flying around, but it seemed like no one knew the truth for certain.

Based on the snippets Beatrix had overhead while dishing out food in the creepateria, poor Gilda could have slipped on a rock and hit her head, or been stung by a bee and suffered a fatal allergic reaction out in the woods.

But those theories didn't explain the sudden increase in Monster High security, with guards now stationed at every entrance to the school, or the new rule put in place forbidding students from leaving the grounds without written permission.

Something more must have been discovered at the scene of Gilda's death, something more nefarious than just a slip or a bee sting. Beatrix could feel it in her bones.

At the front of the classroom, Johannah, the seminar leader, uncapped a marker and began writing on a whiteboard. "I know this is a tough time for all of us, so if any of you need someone to talk to, don't hesitate to reach out. Here's my number," Johannah said, jotting down her contact information.

Johannah Carpenter was a senior student who ran MSS every Saturday for elective credit. Although she looked like an average human with mousy brown hair and plain features, the other MSS members secretly called her "The Thing" behind her back. Beatrix hadn't figured out the reason for the nickname yet, but it sounded ominous.

"While we wait for Mr. Gore, let's go around and introduce ourselves," Johannah said.

A nervous-looking boy sitting in the back row went first. "Uh, hi. M-my name is Jackson. I'm a sophomore," he stammered. The way Jackson fumbled with his headphones reminded Beatrix of how Autumn picked at her seams when she was stressed.

"And what monster type are you, Jackson?" Johannah asked.

"Half-normie, half-creature. Kinda," Jackson answered vaguely, shifting in his seat.

"Everyone, let's give Jackson a warm welcome."

"Hi, Jackson," the group droned.

"Alright. Who's next?" Johannah asked, scanning the room.

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