The Devil's in the Details

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"I'm innocent. But I do have a few things to apologize for," Beatrix's voice carried through the room as she moved to the front of the screamatorium. She had to jump to avoid Medusa's swishing snake tail from hitting her ankles.

Bloodgood wore a confused expression on stage. "Ms. Ravenwood, wait a moment—"

"I did perform some spells," Beatrix said. "But they were quick, basically harmless, and one of them was in self-defense."

"See? The sorceress admits it!"

"How do we know Bram and Vilhelm attacked her at all? She has no proof!" came another skeptical voice.

Beatrix was ready to show her neck wounds, but she remembered they'd disappeared thanks to the wrapping Cleo had given her.

Did Cleo heal me to get rid of the evidence? Beatrix seethed with anger at the possibility.

Bloodgood intervened. "Beatrix Ravenwood was introduced as a Monster High employee to assist a recently admitted student with emotional support issues. However, that's not the sole reason.

"The school board has discussed fostering unity between magic-users and monsters for a while now. Monster High was established as a sanctuary and an inclusive campus for all kinds of paranormal beings, and excluding witches felt outdated.

"Before this school year started, we decided that Ms. Ravenwood was a fitting candidate to join Monster High's faculty. But, with these new developments, the school board has reconvened and is planning on delaying the integration of magic-users to a later year, with a more worthy candidate."

Beatrix's stomach dropped. I'm being sent home.

"Headmistress?" a shaky voice asked from the crowd.

"Yes, Ms. Patches?"

Autumn's hand was raised studiously, as if she was in a classroom. "Bea—I mean, Beatrix has definitely violated multiple rules in the student handbook." Autumn wavered, but kept going, "and the field trip incident would normally warrant a private school board trial to consider expulsion. However, Beatrix's self-defense at Draculaura's house—even if it involved magic—falls under regulation 6.06, which prevents expulsion when defensive actions are taken against a more powerful assailant.

"Blaming Beatrix for everything tonight contradicts the rules outlined in the student handbook. I'm telling you, she's not responsible for Gilda Goldstag and Brock Barker's deaths. Beatrix juggles multiple jobs. She's a lunch lady, janitor, and my emotional support aid. She doesn't have the time to terrorize students in the woods. I grew up with her, I know her character better than anyone."

To Beatrix's surprise, Johannah and Mr. Gore also came to her defense.

Johannah said, "She's really become part of our MSS group. She's never missed a single seminar, and she's genuinely sorry for her past actions."

Mr. Gore followed suit. "While she was unruly during the field trip, I've come to realize that her actions were motivated by a desire to help her friend, Jackson. Beatrix has developed a strong understanding of monster relationships and I can attest that she isn't capable of committing such atrocious acts."

Beatrix felt relief wash over her. Any tension between her and Autumn had seemed to thaw, and Beatrix was grateful that Autumn was now briefed on what had been going on in her life recently. On top of that, she hadn't expected Johannah and Mr. Gore to go to bat for her.

Beatrix was ready to explain that a certain persistent ghost was to blame for all these magic mishaps, but suddenly Dracula cut in.

"These testimonies mean nothing if she can practice witchcraft. She might be using curses to influence those speaking up for her now," Dracula said.

The vampire glanced over Beatrix's shoulder.

Following his line of sight, Beatrix saw Grey standing a few feet away in the shadows at the edge of the screamatorium. He had followed her to the front to stand guard.

"Why are you looking out for this witch?" Dracula's inquiry was directed at Grey. It was odd seeing Dracula conversing with a teenager on nearly equal footing. "She's allied with your adversaries. Your father wouldn't approve of this."

Why would the Grim Reaper disapprove of me? Beatrix thought. She knew little about Grey's family. And he said I'm allied with Grey's... adversaries?

Dracula pressed again. "Think rationally, Reaper. You don't want a witch pawn for those dark rulers to be present here."

Grey didn't reply, but his furrowed brows indicated he was contemplating Dracula's words.

"I hope you aren't referring to us, Drac," a sultry voice said.

At the back of the screamatorium, expansive wings unfurled, accompanied by multiple pairs of sharp red horns jutting from a group of newcomers' foreheads.

A sense of recognition flickered within Beatrix as she gazed at the striking red-skinned woman leading this group.

Then she remembered, she'd seen this woman featured in the latest issue of Maleficium Monthly: Cassia the Conniving, the demon duchess of the fifth circle of hell.

Beatrix had never laid eyes on a devil in the flesh.

Technically, devils lacked physical bodies; they were destined to never inhabit human forms on this earth. They only projected illusions of flesh and bone. That's where witches came in—they bridged the gap between demonic will and physical existence.

Despite this, the devils appeared as real as any living being. They even interacted tangibly with the floor, and their sleek black attire exuded regal sophistication.

Cassia the Conniving was statuesque, with bright, glowing yellow irises. Where Dracula commanded fear, Cassia inspired a different reaction—like beholding a famous work of art.

Grey moved closer to Beatrix. He positioned himself slightly in front of her, acting as a shield against the devil posse.

"Your Grace," Bloodgood addressed Cassia with a bow, though the headmistress's surprise was palpable. Beatrix sensed she wasn't alone in facing her first devil encounter.

"I received word from my little canaries that a witch was on trial today. We thought we'd drop in and observe the proceedings," Cassia said. The devil woman gave Beatrix a charming smile, revealing a glint of sharp teeth. 

"I've come up with a solution to your current predicament. An offer you can't refuse." Cassia's smile turned sly. "Literally."

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