(13) clingy (beach week pt 4)

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(AN) I'm not gonna lie I'm winging this chapter to. I honestly kinda liked the last chapter tho (maybe).

I wake up with natsus arms still wrapped around me. Is this how juvia and levy are with gray and gajeel? I mean this seems like something only couples would do. I'm saying that and me and natsu aren't a couple.

"Natsu." I whisper because I wanna get up but can't because of natsu. "What now Luce." He says tightening his grip on me. "Come on, I wanna get up." I say. "No you don't." He says pulling me closer. "Gosh natsu, you're being so clingy." I say. "Ya well fine!" He let's go of me.

"Sorry natsu, I didn't mean it in a rude way." I go over to his side of the bed and hold his hand. "It's fine." He says hiding his face. I smile at him which makes him bury his face deeper into his pillow.

The only reason I wanted to get up is because I couldn't risk anyone seeing us like that. I stare at natsu who's trying to fall back asleep when someone opens the door. "Hey lu, mind telling me what happened last night." She says. "Lev, what are you talking about?" I question her.

"If you guys are gonna talk about something then do it somewhere else." Natsu says covering his head with a pillow. Levy pulls natsus sheets off and pillow. "Nope you're apart of this talk to." Levy says staring at both of us.

Natsu gets up and yawns. "Mind putting a shirt on natsu." Levy says. "Sorry." Natsu grabs a shirt from the closet and throws it on.

"First things first, what happened last night?" Levy questions both of us. "And before you ask what I mean, I mean the cuddling." Levy says looking both of us down. Shit. The one thing I was worried about people seeing was seen. "I was cold last night and natsu got mad I was taking all the blankets, so he just hugged me so we both were warm." I say calmly. "I don't see the big deal about to friends trying to keep each other warm." I say to levy.

"Fine I'll let you off the hook with that one." Levy says. "Was that all?" Natsu says to levy. "Yep!" She smiles and heads out. I sigh. "Lev can be a real pain, but I love her." I say.

"Come on, let's get ready for the beach." I say while grabbiny bag. I sit down on the bed and so does natsu. He then proceeds to put his head on my lap. "Uh natsu? Mind telling me what you're doing." I say to him. "I'm still tired." He yawns. "So my laps your pillow?" I questioned him. "Guess so." He then closes his eyes.

"Come on natsu anyone could walk in and see us." I say. "And, what's wrong with two friends comforting each other?" Natsu says with a smirk.

I lift his head up and then stand up myself. "You're no fun luce." He says. "Ya ya." I say with a laugh. I go to the bathroom and get finally get dressed for the day. I get out and start putting everything I usually bring to the beach in it. This time I bring my own snacks, the ones at the beach are kinda pricey.

I stand up and put my bag on the bed. Natsu comes out from the bathroom and hugs me. "Is there something wrong?" I ask him. "Nah, I just felt like it." He says putting his head on my shoulder. Can he stop being flirty when he doesn't even like me! He's pretty much just leading me on!

"Ok, go pack your bags." I say escaping from the hug. "Natsu, you're always so warm, how do y9u survive in the heat?" I ask him. "Don't know, but you're always cold, even in the summer." He says. "Oh! We should just hug all the time so we're the perfect temperature!" He says acting smart. "I don't think that's how it works natsu." I put my hand on my head.

"Hey natsu isn't it weird no matter what it is someone always comes through our door." I say. "You're right, and it's always for some dumb reason to." Natsu says. I laugh.

This time we walk out of the room without anyone else telling us to. Everyone else was out of their rooms but gray and juvia. No one ever liked seeing what they were doing. "Go on someone needs to get them." Mira says. We all look at Mira since she's the one who had the idea. "Fine." She says walking to their room.

Mira walks back over about a minute later. "They're just getting ready for the beach." Mira says. We all just nod. Me and the other girls sit on the couch, while the guys go more towards the kitchen.

"You'll never believe this, natsu and Lucy were totally cuddling last night!" Levy squeals. "Are you two finally together?" Erza asks. "No, and we weren't even cuddling." I say. "Then what were you doing?" Juvia asks. "I was cold so he just hugged me." I tell them. "Plus why is it such a big deal, it's not like you didn't hug your boyfriends before dating them." I add. They all look at each other.

"What?" I ask. They all shake their heads. I just sigh.

Natsus pov.

"So did you apologize yet?" Gajeel asks. "Before I answer that, try and keep levy from going in our bedroom while we're asleep." I tell gajeel. "Why, what did she walk in on?" Gajeel asks with a little laugh. "It's not what your thinking of I'll just say that." I say. "Anyways, I haven't apologized to her yet." I say. "Dude, you're just digging a deeper and deeper hole by doing this, she might not even like you soon at this rate." Gray says.

"Who said she even likes me." I add on. "Wild guess I mean do you not pay attention to her." Gray says. "I do, but she just acts normal, not like how juvia and levy act with you guys." I say. "Well no shit on that, you guys aren't even dating." Gajeel says.

"Plus whenever I flirt with her she always trys to stop me." I say looking back at Lucy. "That's why you half to apologize to her!" Gray and gajeel say at the same time. "Fine I'll do it today." I say. "One thing, do you think if it as a mistake?" Gray asks. "The fuck? No the only thing I think was a mistake was when I said the kiss was." I say.

"I think natsu fell harder than Lucy did." Gajeel laughs.

"Come on guys let's change for the beach!" Erza shouts. "Hey tell everyone that me and Lucy are gonna be a little bit longer." I say walking to our room.

I open the door to see Lucy grabbing her bathing suit. I close the door. "Hey luce, we gotta talk."


(AN) I'm not sure if I wanna make it a confession or just an apology. Probably just an apology because I don't want their relationship to move super fast (sorry).
Word count: 1215

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