USJ Aftermath

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Pop = quest
Bing = hint/tip
Ding = achievement
Bum bum...bum bum = dungeon spawn
Chachink = new party member
Dun...dun = failed quest
Tick Tick Chink = temporary party member
Tick Tock = temporary party member leaves

Izuku found himself in a black void. For some reason, he didn't panic. Instead, he looked around. He couldn't see anything besides the abyss that was surrounding him. But then he heard voices. One sounded amazed, the other shocked. Another sounded angry. There were more. He could tell. They just weren't speaking... or they weren't present enough in... wherever here was.

Finally, the people shifted into view. Three people took a full form. One was a large, muscular man with a square jaw and short beard. He was wearing a black leather jacket, like how a "punk" would back in the pre-quirk era.

The second one was a fairly young looking man who looked sickly and malnourished. His hair was white and messy. His eyes were a bright green, not unlike his own.

The third was a rather "gifted" woman with black hair. She was beautiful and reminded him of his Grandmom. He never met his Grandmom and his mom always showed him the few pictures she had of her. They looked fairly similar. She wore a black hero costume, with a yellow utility belt and a large white cape.

Around them were 6 other figures. They weren't completely solid like these three. 5 of them where blacked out, like characters you still need to unlock in order to play as them in a game. (He registered that that is likely exactly what it is... or at least something similar). The last one vaguely looked like All Might. Instead of being blacked out like the others, his was a little les opaque and was a bright yellow.

He tried to say "who are you" but it didn't come out. Looking down, he saw that his body, or where his body should be anyway, was covered in a black mist, one that looked extremely similar to the tentacles that came out of his body.

"We are the previous users of One for All. I'm sure you have questions and we will provide the answers", the woman said.

"I'm the fourth user of One for All. My names Daigoro Banjo. You used my quirk earlier. It's called Blackwhip. You need to learn how to control it. It's fueled off of your emotions. The angrier you are, the more violent it is. You need to direct that anger and let it attack or control it and use it for other purposes".

"My names Nana. Nana Shimura. And I am the Seventh user. My quirk is float. Combined with One for All, it's practically just Flight."

"My names Yoichi Shigaraki." Just by hearing the name, Izuku gets ready to attack. "I AM NOT MY BROTHER" Yoichi yelled loudly, making Izuku lower his arm. What did he mean?

"I am the first user of One for All. I think it's time you've learnt it's history. Around two hundred years ago, following the birth of quirks, two brothers were born. One of them was born with an amazing power. The power to steal and then give quirks from other people. The other, he was diagnosed as Quirkless. The quirked brother, disregarded and attacked by society began to grow hatred and let his greed corrupt him. He became the biggest villain known to man. His name is All for One. All for One, even through his hatred, still cared for his brother. He gave his brother an energy stockpile quirk. Little did anyone know though, the little brother did have a quirk: the power to transfer ones power to another. The two quirks fused and created One for All. One for All and All for One have been battling continuously since the beginning of quirks. The battle was thought to have ended when All Might smashed his skull in 6 years ago."

"Thought to?" He mentally said as his mouth was still covered in mist.

"With this recent attack, the creature you fought known as Nomu had multiple quirks. There is only one bastard who could have done that. That bastard is my brother, which means that he is still alive".

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