The "tutorial"

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Brought out of his grieving by his new quirk? Izuku got off of the roof. While doing so, an explosion rings out, but Izuku just ignores it, choosing to think about what just happened.


Looking up, Izuku sees that it says "To open the menu say: Menu Screen"

So, of course Izuku repeats it.

A new screen comes up. At the top are tabs. Many of the tabs are locked and it can not be seen what they say. The ones he can see are: Quests, Inventory, Stats.

Clicking on stats, the screen changes. Izuku look, and is kind of disappointed with what he sees.

Level 1
Exp needed: 0/5

Hp: 54

Strength: 8

Speed: 4

Durability: 13

Wisdom: 20

Intelligence: 35

Mana: 10

Charisma: 4

Stamina: 10

So those were his stats? They don't seem that good. But he can level up. He can make this work. Suddenly another explosion rings out. This time, it was closer. He can't believe it was still going on. There should have been plenty of heroes in the vicinity. Going there he sees a large crowd. Then he sees the villain. It is the same villain that attacked him. It must have fallen off of All Might when Izuku cling to his leg. It's his fault. And apparently he has a hostage. Someone else was getting hurt because of his mistakes. I wasted All Might's time. That's why he isn't helping. He can't.

Moving forward, getting to the front of the crowd. He sees the victim. It's Kacchan. They lock eyes.


Izuku doesn't register the noise. He is already running. Taking off his backpack, he throws it at the villain, somehow hitting it in the eye. That gives him the time he needs to desperately swipe at the slime. He gets Kacchan another breath, but now the villain has recovered. The villain rises up ready to strike. He starts coming down, intent to kill. Izuku closes his eyes, waiting for the pain.

It doesn't come.

"I really am pathetic. I told you what it takes to be a hero, and yet I wasn't living up to my own ideals". All Might was there. He blocked the attack. Then he winded up and punched. It changed the weather. That's how strong that punch was.

Afterwards, I was chewed out by the pros while Kacchan was praised for his bravery. Soon after, Izuku opened the menu and checked his stats. It was all the same, except for the xp and the stamina. His EXP was now 3/5. His stamina was 6/10. He barely did anything, yet it used 4 stamina. Izuku realized stamina is going to be a big problem.
Then he remembered that noise. He check the quests    menu and saw that he had a quest: Save Bakugo - complete. He click on it, and it changed the screen. It showed his rewards. Izuku was amazed. For completing this quest, Izuku got 2 EXP, a wooden sword, and a new spell? The thought of a spell excited Izuku.

Clicking the collect button at the bottom of the screen gave him the rewards. Suddenly loud music played in his head. In the middle of his vision showed the words: Leveled Up!

Excited Izuku checked his stats, hoping for a big change.

His stat menu showed:
Level 2
Exp needed: 0/10

Hp: 55

Strength: 9

Speed: 5

Durability: 14

Wisdom: 21

Intelligence: 36

Mana: 11

Charisma: 5

Stamina: 20

Everything went up by 1, except stamina which went up by 10.

Izuku then checked his inventory. He saw the sword he got. He tried to grab it, and surprisingly it worked. The sword went from being a 2d image to being a fully real wooden sword. Then, he attempted to place it down, but it just fell to the ground.


To put a weapon away, say un-equip [name of weapon]

So, Izuku tests it out. "Un-equip wooden sword". Sure enough, the wooden sword disappears into light. Then, Izuku notices the new tab. It says Spells. Clicking in it, it seemed like a dictionary. However, there was only one spell. It read:
Fireball - think about throwing a hot ball. That ball will manifest into a ball of fire. Once it reaches its target, it will explode into a circle the size of a human. Costs 1 Mana.

Izuku really wants to try it out, but he knew if he tried it here, he would get in trouble.

Suddenly All Might appears out of no where. "I am here!!!"

"Woah All Might, why are you here? How'd you get rid of all those reporters" replied Izuku, shocked.

"I stand for justice not sound bytes, because I am All Migh..."
All might violently retransforms into small might.
"As to why I'm here, I came here to thank you and to discuss your question from before. If you hadn't run into that fight, I would have been a worthless bystander watching from the crowd, so thanks".

"Uhh no!! It was my fault he was there to begin with. I got in the way of your hero work and wasted your energy, not to mention your time" Izuku sadly says.

"I'm not done, you told me you didn't have a power, so when I saw this timid quirkless boy try to save a life, it inspired me to act too. There are stories about every hero. How they became great. Most have one thing in common. Their bodies moved before they had the chance to think. Almost on their own".

At this point, Izuku started crying.

"And today, that's what happened to you. Young man, you too can become a hero. I deem you worthy of inheriting my power".

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