The First Dungeon

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you told me you didn't have a power, so when I saw this timid quirkless boy try to save a life, it inspired me to act too. There are stories about every hero. How they became great. Most have one thing in common. Their bodies moved before they had the chance to think. Almost on their own".

At this point, Izuku started crying.

"And today, that's what happened to you. Young man, you too can become a hero. I deem you worthy of inheriting my power".
"Huh? What do you mean inherit? Inherit what?" Midoriya looked absolutely confused.

"Hahahaha, you should see your face right now. Don't worry, I'm not going to force this thing on you. Listen well young man, this is your choice" All Might says as he lifts his finger and points at Midoriya, "Do you want to accept my awesome power or not!?" All Might yells this as blood spills out of his mouth.

Izuku still looked utterly confused.

"There are a couple things you should know about my abilities. Journalists always guess my quirk is super strength or some sort of invulnerability. When people ask in interviews, I always make a joke and dodge the question. That is because the world needs to believe that the symbol of piece was just a natural born hero, like any of them. But I'm not. There is nothing natural about my ability. I wasn't born with this power, it was a sacred torch passed down to me from someone else".

"Someone gave you your quirk? No way". Izuku said this shocked, but he was beginning to understand.

"Yes way. And your next. I can give you my abilities".

"Wait, hold on, this is a lot to process. It's true that there is a lot of debate as to what your quirk actually is. Nobody's ever figured it out or talked about it online. It just doesn't make sense to me that quirks can be passed down..........mumble mumble mumble"

"Sounds like your overthinking this whole inheriting thing... STOP NERDING OUT"

The yell stops Izuku's mumble session.

"Adjust your reality and accept this new truth. And that is only one faucet of my abilities. The true name of my power is One For All.

"One...for...all" Izuku repeats, processing the information.

"Yes, one person who proves the power, then pass it off to another person and it continues to grow in power. It is this cultivated power that gives me the ability to save people in need of a hero. The truth behind my strength".

Ok, Izuku was understanding now. One thing still lingered in his mind though. "Why would you choose to give me this power? I'm just a weak Deku".

"Deku? What does that mean?" All Might asks, unfamiliar with the term.

"Oh, uhh, don't worry about it All Might", Izuku replies nervously. He did not want All Might to know how he is being treated.

"Anyway, you may be weak right now, but that doesn't mean you won't get stronger. I was on a long hunt for a worthy successor, and then I watched you jump into action while the rest of us stood idly by. You may just be a Quirkless fanboy, but you tried to save that kid. You acted like a hero".

Izuku loved to hear those words. They would play in his mind for the rest of his life. There was one problem though. "Umm All Might?"

"Yes Young Midoriya?"

"Back on the roof, after you left me, I think the stress of the situation caused me to awaken a quirk."

"... What?"

"It seems like an RPG quirk. So far, from what I unlocked, I have an inventory (Izuku opens his inventory from the menu. All only sees Izuku doing weird hand movements, seeming choosing something, as he can't see the screen. Suddenly a wooden sword popped into Izuku's hand, shocking All Might) and a quest system. Apparently, I got a quest to save Kacchan from the villain. I didn't notice it until after the fact though. Anyway, from the quest I got this sword, and a spell that I have yet to try out".

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