Chapter 6: Summer

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You know how it was mentioned that last summer was one the worst summer's in Apollo's life, well this summer, the summer of 1997, was the worst summer in the whole of Apollo's life. It was horrible and terrifying. 

After Severus killed Dumbledore, the death eaters took over Hogwarts and started making changers for the new year. For example, Severus Snape would be the headmaster, muggle Studies would be compulsory to teach people how horrid muggles are and death eaters would be on guard at all times at Hogwarts. 

Hogwarts was going to go down to the dogs next year.

Despite Draco and Apollo being congratulated on cornering Dumbledore without a wand, Voldemort believed they failed their second mission. Draco and Apollo were meant to kill Dumbledore, not Severus Snape. So Voldemort believed they brought shame to their families and that they weren't worthy. So as soon as Draco and Apollo were back at Malfoy manor, Draco was dragged away by Bellatrix to be punished for failing the mission. His screams could be heard from Apollo's room. Apollo was horrified. His promise had been broken. He couldn't protect Draco. He couldn't stop Draco from being hurt. 

But Apollo had his own punishment to deal with. You see Draco wasn't the only one to fail the mission. If I remember correctly, Apollo was given a mission to. The mission to kill Dumbledore if Draco didn't. Seeing as Dumbledore was dead, Apollo's punishment wasn't as bad as Draco's but he was still punished for not killing Dumbledore himself to prove his worth. Bellatrix used knives, curses, whips, spikes and a ton of other torture methods you can think of. Anything to make Draco scream. He was being punished for failing a mission given to him by Voldemort and for putting shame on the family. Lucius and Narcissia did try to stop Bellatrix but nothing worked. Voldemort just used crucio and a bunch of other curses on Apollo, so he wasn't punished as badly as Draco. Voldemort still needed him to be able to do his duties of the heir of Voldemort so he couldn't get that injured.  


"I'm sorry, Draco" 

"For w-what, Apollo?"

"For breaking my promise. I promised to protect you from harm and keep you safe but i couldn't protect you from Bellatrix i failed you"  

"That wasn't your fault you co-" 

"I could hav- I should have though. I'm your boyfriend and I made a promise. I never break promises but i broke this one" 

"Apollo. You couldn't stop this. You was being punished yourself. ".


"Apollo, I forgive you. Now come here, i want to cuddle my one and only boyfriend"


Apollo didn't really understand why Draco forgave him but he never bought up because like Draco said, Apollo was Draco's only boyfriend now since ………..

Despite the horrible horrible break with Harry,  Apollo and Draco still worried about Harry constantly. They needed him to be safe. They needed to know he was safe. But they had no way of contacting him and even if they did, Harry probably wouldn't respond or even hear them out. Harry no longer wanted to be with them. 

But then


It was the middle of July. The meeting started like any other with Apollo and Bellatrix sat at either side of Voldemort. But there was one thing wrong, Severus Snape was missing. Voldemort was just about to say something when Severus finally walked in. "About time" Apollo mumbled, only to be elbowed by Draco. 

"Severus… I was beginning to worry you had lost your way. Come, we've saved you a seat. You bring news I trust?" 

Severus quickly takes his seat and pauses before answering Voldemort's question "It will happen on Saturday next, at nightfall." That made Apollo sit up straight. What was happening? Did he miss an important meeting? What's happening? Severus's response caused an argument yo break out between Severus and a death eater called Yaxley. 

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