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Lord Voldemort, dark lord of the wizarding world, was known by everybody for leading the 1st wizarding war, for being a powerful wizarding, for his cruelty but most importantly he is known for losing a game of "I got your nose" with a toddler. But what people don't know is that Lord Voldemort has had two children out of wedlock. Two children that could either be his weapons against the light or his downfall in the end. Too bad, he was killed by a tolder before he got a chance in choosing which fate will fall upon the children.

Lord Voldemort's oldest child was a son. He never told anyone who motherd his son but everyone knows that after the boy was born, Lord Voldemort killed the other. The boy was born on the 1st of july 1980, a month after the Malfoy's had their son.  

Lord Voldemort's second and youngest child is a daughter. Her mother was well known, seeing as she took her mother's maiden name, Black. The mother was Lord Voldemort's second in command. The mother was Bellatrix Lestrange. The girl was born on 17th March 1981.  

After Lord Voldemort lost his famous game of "I got Your Nose" and Bellatrix was imprisoned for torturing the Longbottom's, the Son and Daughter of Voldemort were given to the care of Lucius and Narcissia Malfoy to raise alongside their son, Draco Malfoy. So that's what they did. They raised the children how Lord Voldemort would have wanted them to be raised. 

When the time to go to Hogwarts for the children arrived, everyone was excited.  One child was sorted into Slytherin and the other into Ravenclaw. But the different houses didn't stop the son and daughter having a close bond. 

The pare went through their years at Hogwarts without telling anyone who their parents were, just that they were the wards of the Malfoy's.    Well the daughter could say who her mother was but that was it. 

This brings up to know, the summer of 1994. The summer before the Son of Lord Voldemort starts his 4th year at Hogwarts and the Daughter of Lord Voldemort starts her 3rd year at Hogwarts. The story of course begins in Malfoy manner, Wiltshire, England. The Son and Daughter of Voldemort were in the west wing, the wing that was dedicated to them and their father. But despite having a whole wing to themselves, the brother and Sister had rooms that were conjoined by a bathroom. The Son's room was on the right and the Daughter's room was on the left. Both rooms were decorated perfectly to match the child's personality. The Daughter's room was covered in stars and books. The wallls were painted a beautiful blue with all over them. To the left of the room, their was a a massive window that led out onto a balcony witch a telescope on it facing up to the sky. To the left of the window, there was another pale of books. To the right of the window, there was a king size bed with curtains hanging down around it covering the beautiful star covered, blue bed. In the far right hand corner was a massive bookcase full of tons of different types of books which was covered by a glittery see-threw curtain. Near the door into the room, their was a gorgeous brown desk that was covered in scrolls and open books. The floor was dark blue with light blue mats. Between the desk and the bookcase, there was another door. This door led into the massive bathroom. The bathroom connected the Daughter's to the Son's room. The Son's room was less magical that the Daughter's room. Sure the walls were different colours of the rainbow and sure the floor was dark green with a slytherin mat in the middle. But the Son's room was a tip. He had pales of clothes and rubbish everywhere. Instead of putting the books on the shelves, the son had made a stage with them and you could clearly see he had been standing on them. The son had a desk just like the daughter bur the Son's wasn't brown, no the son's had sploches of blue hair dye all over it. Unlike the daughter, the son didn't have a a beautiful king size four poster bed, no the son had a wired bed. In the far right hand cormer of his room, there was a wooden wardrobe. If you opened the double doors to the wardrobe, you would see a doouble bed covered in green bedding. That was were the son slept each night.  Near where a bed should have been, there was a massive pale of cushions, all different colours.

Enough about bedrooms, lets get onto the story. 

Right now, the boy and girl were in the boy's room. They were met to be getting the house elfs to pack for them but they had told the house elfs not to and were instead, sat in the son's cushion corner gossaping, instead of packing. You see, Lucius Malfoy were talking them to see the quidditch world cup in a couple of days and then after that, it would nearly be time to go to Hogwarts so they needed to pack.

"-nd then he said" 

"You need to concrete more on your work and less on your apprence." 

"Oh have i told this one?" 

"Oh of course not." 

"Sarcasm how nice of you" 

"I think that blue hair dye has got to your brain" 

"Oh shut up, Cassiopeia"


"Sorry Cassie" 

"We should really get packing" 

"Do we have to? Its so boring" 


"Fine. But i'm putting Queen on" 

"Not again. If you play that, i'm not helping you pack"

"too late~ mamma just killed a man. Put a gun against his he-" 

"I'm playing ABBA in my room then. Bye" 

With that, you have met the Son and Daughter of Lord Voldemort, Apollo Slytherin and Cassiopeia Slytherin. Apollo had a very pale white complexion with green eyes under black round glasses. He had dyed his natural brown hair into spikey light blue with a skin fade. He had several piercings and always wear chains around his neck, no matter what he was wearing. Cassiopeia, or Cassie for short, had a fair/light complexion with blue/grey eyes. She had long dark brown/black hair. 

"Oi, Cassie!" 

"Yes Apollo" 

"We should totally annoy the Malfoy's at the world cup." 

"Fine. As long as you don't start bittering with Draco again and you help me sneak off to see Ginny" 

"No promises about the brickering. He is sooooo annoying. But i'll help you sneak to Ginny" 

"Fine what's the plan?" 

"I say we do Lion sleeps tonight" 

"You almost got hexed last time for that" 

"Yeah so?" 

"Its your but!… lets do it" 

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