Spooky season!

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"D@mn it Zack! You startled the witch!"

Dabi yelled at Zack as they were playing left 4 dead.

"What? She was crying and I got the urge to kill her."

Zack replied as he kept shooting the witch.

Lexa had found her old Xbox and found both left 4 dead and left 4 dead 2 along with some other games.

"You seem to be enjoying the game."

Lexa commented

"I'd probably like it more if Zack would stop startling the witch!"

Dabi said but then shouted at Zack

"Why are you b!tching about it? It's not like it goes after you. you just do your thing and I'll do mine."

Zack retorted. As they were killing the zombies

"Safe room. Finally...Zack, hurry your mummy a$$ in here."

Dabi told Zack

"Alright alright."

Zack answered

"Well I'll leave you two to your game. Have fun."

Lexa said as she exited the room. as she left the room doe clinged onto her and he just babbled about different things and saying "I love you." As usual.


Lexa went around checking if everyone was okay and  to see if they needed anything.

Everyone was fine. But when lexa went to talk to mitsuri she had a question

"Hey lexa? What's "Halloween?"

"Halloween? it's a holiday."

"What does is celebrate?"

"Oh well...the origin of it started because at one point, people thought the living and the dead would cross paths on Halloween and dressing up was a way to ward off some of the unkind spirits. Like they'd dress up as ghost, ghouls, and other monsters so they could ward of unkind spirits. But now a days it's a day for dressing up, being with friends and family, and having fun. For kids they go out trick or treating!-"

Lexa was interrupted when douma suddenly came in and said

"What is trick-or-treating?"

Mitsuri and rengoku's smile instantly disappeared upon seeing him.

"You know it's rude to insert yourself into a conversation that didn't concern you but...yes what is trick-or-treating?"

Rengoku asked

"Oh well it's when young children dress up in costumes and go to other people's home and knock on their door and say "trick or treat". Then they collect candy."

Mitsuri then asked

"Why do they say "trick or treat"?"

"Well Halloween is normally a night full of spooky mischief so The phrase is a subtle suggestion that if a treat like candy is given, then the children will not perform a "trick" or some kind of mischief."

Lexa explained

"What kind of mischief?"

Douma asked

"Well the most common is throwing eggs on someone house or TP."

"What TP mean?"

Rengoku asked

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