Casual Household experiences 2

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Lexa was peacefully sleeping in bed with doe cuddling her like a koala on one side while Belphie was sleeping on top of her.

Then the door opened slowly and very quietly.

"Hey lexa..."

Hawks said as he poked her awake.


She asked

"There's a bit of a problem downstairs and we need some help."

Much to lexa dismay she got up and headed downstairs and what she saw made her jaw drop the kitchen was a complete mess with dabi sitting in the middle of it

Much to lexa dismay she got up and headed downstairs and what she saw made her jaw drop the kitchen was a complete mess with dabi sitting in the middle of it

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(Not my art)


Lexa asked looking at the disaster laid out before her, she turned off the stove.

"Honesty...I don't even know."

Dabi responded

"...okay...anyway I'm going back to bed."

Lexa said

"Wait! What about this?!"

Hawks asked about the disaster that is the kitchen.

"That's a later problem. I'm too tired to deal with...all that right now."

And just like that lexa went back into her room and crawled back into bed.


Later lexa came back down and saw the kitchen clean

Levi and mitsuri had cleaned it up

"Sorry I left that mess for you two to clean up."

Mitsuri jumped up and pinched lexa cheeks

"Don't be sorry, you do enough already. us cleaning the kitchen is nothing compared to what you have to do everyday."

Levi nodded in agreement.

"I still feel bad-"

"Don't be that way! Just relax you probably need to."

Mitsuri said. Lexa then started making move to start standing up while saying


But mitsuri made her sit back down

"No buts. I was thinking of that one day you and ender went on a spa trip. It really made me think of much you do, we don't really help with that."

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