The angle Mitsuri Kanroji

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"And that's how all the dishes go! Think you'll remember that?"

"Yes! I'll be sure to remember!"

Lexa was currently teaching Mitsuri where all the dishes go.

"Thanks for helping me clean by the way! I know it's a lot of work."

"Oh I don't mind! I would feel bad if I made you clean all by yourself."

The two girls quickly finishing cleaning the house.


As the the two girls were talking in lexa's room. Doe barged in

"Lexa! Pay attention to me!"

And then immediately jumped onto lexa wrapping his limbs around her


Mitsuri said

"Uh doe. You kinda interrupted me and mitsuri's girl  time."

Lexa said he petting his head as bits of his hair curls around her fingers

"But I miss you."

He whined

"Wait I know!"

He said standing up. His entire body was covered by his hair and when his body was shown again he was a female


"What? I'm a female now! So now I can still be with you and not interrupt your girl time."

He or well she said hugging lexa again. Mitsuri was absolutely amazed

"I didn't know he could do that!"

She said looking at doe

"Well doe isn't exactly human."

Then lexa went on to explain what doe is and Mitsuri's mind was blown away by the new information

"It didn't hurt did it?"

Mitsuri asked with a concerned expression

Doe just smiled a bit wider

"No It's just a bit tiring."

'That's a little weird.'

Lexa though hearing doe's female voice.

They continued their girl time. At one point Mitsuri was playing with lexa's hair and lexa asked Doe if she can do his...or well her hair. Doe jumped at the chance and sat in front of lexa while she messed with her hair. Problems didn't arise until lexa tried to run a brush through doe's hair.

Then it became a struggle and she started fighting for dear life against doe's hair. It was curling around her. Her arms, face, chest. Doe was just sitting their happily not knowing what her hair was doing to lexa.

Mitsuri was trying her best to help but when she tried to pull lexa away her hair hissed at her which make her let go.

After like 30 minutes lexa was able to break free from does hair.

'Yeah...I'm not doing that again.'

Lexa thought giving her hair a look.


Lexa POV:

Me and Mitsuri's were with L teaching her to read and write English. Rengoku was helping a bit to when mitsuri didn't understand me or L.

She was picking up on it pretty quickly, I was proud of her.

I know how much she was struggling getting adjusted to her new situation.

Like in the first night she was crying afraid that since that many people were in trouble and she wasn't there to help them.

I try to comfort her the best I could. It ended with her sleeping on me, which doe was not happy about.


Mitsuri was getting better though. She was happy about rengoku was with us so she didn't feel so alone.

She also was getting along with Everbody well enough. I see her and hawks talking a lot, they always have wide smiles when talking to each other.

Dabi is okay with her. But she doesn't talk to him unless he talks with her, in fear of accidentally annoying him in anyway.

When she has a question and I'm wasn't around she would go to L and ask. She was amazed by L intelligence and would openly praise him for it. Even though he doesn't openly show it he really appreciates it.

Doe talks to her a lot actually but he's just asking what girls normally like and what he should get for me. But I'm not complaining he's actually getting me things that are normal and things that aren't a persons internal organ.

Also Mitsuri is seriously so sweet. Like yeah I knew she was a very nice, genuine person but experiencing it real life is so amazing. I don't think a single day has passed by where she hadn't made me smile at least once. Even when I'm having a bad day she some how made me smile!

But there is a bit of a downside

...her insane appetite.

It difficult to make enough food to satisfy her palate.

She eats so much that we never have any leftovers from dinner anymore. Not likes that's a problem, I'm actually glad. I hate wasting food, it crushes my soul to throw any used to be good food in the garbage.

I of course haven't said anything about it yet not wanting to upset her. I just hope I could survive with the income I'm making.

Not to mention holidays are coming.

...that's going to be a pain.


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