Classroom Chaos

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Elena was surprised by the layout of the classroom. It was set up like a college lecture hall, with nice looking tiered desks stacking upwards and a large black board with a teacher's desk at the bottom. It didn't look at all like the soulless white walled classrooms with cheap, two-in-one desk-chairs she had thought to expect from American classrooms from TV.

Taking a seat in the middle of one of the middle desks, Elena sat her purple haunted mansion backpack beside her chair and pulled out her purple bat patterned composition notebook, as well as her black cat shaped pencil case. She had always liked alt culture, and she thought that, since she was going to literal school for monsters now, she might as well take advantage of the fact that this would make her fit in.

Setting her things in front of her, Elena smiled and began to further take in her surroundings. There was no one sitting on her left, and she thought there was no-one on her right, but she was proven wrong when she glanced in that direction and jumped, having discovered the seat there was no longer empty.

There was a boy with light, powder green skin, covered head-to-toe in stitches and staples. His hair was streaked black and white, medium cut, and held in a short ponytail behind his head with two bangs framing his pretty face. His head was stitched onto his neck, and where the seams met, he had two silver bolts on either side of his neck. He wore a white dress shirt, a blue plaid sweater vest, black dress pants, a black tie, black and white sneakers not unlike her converse, and a single blue skull earring that dangled from his right ear by a silver chain.

'He's so pretty!', the blonde girl thought, eyes shining in admiration for the monster boy.

'This is the second pretty guy I've met today; I mean, I didn't expect everyone here to be all hulking frames and arms that could crush my skull, but seeing two guys this pretty one after the other in the same place is unusual, right?', the short girl thought, before resuming her observations on the green skinned boy's appearance.

His eyes, however, were what caught Elena's attention the most; the left was an electric blue, as bright as a lightning strike, and the other was a jade green not unlike her own, only it had an eerie glow to it that her's didn't have.

Elena stared at him, and he stared back, before he grinned widely and popped his right hand off his wrist, holding out to her. Elena watched him do this with wide eyes, physically resisting the urge to scream bloody murder at the sight of the boy popping a limb off like he was a barbie doll.

"Hi, I'm Franky Stein!", he said excitedly. Elena blinked and realized what he was trying to with his removed hand. Not wanting to do anything to offend him, the blonde girl gripped it in her right hand and shook it firmly.

"Nice to meet you, Franky. I'm Elena.", she said quietly, and Franky had to strain himself to hear her bell-like voice. Blushing a bit at the pleasant sound, the stitch-riddled young monster popped his hand back onto his wrist and grinned even wider at the girl.

"Are you new here too?", he asked, bouncing up and down like an excited puppy. Elena smiled at his enthusiasm and nodded.

"Well, considering the fact that this is a frightmen and scaremore level class, and the fact that I'm not talking anyone like I would be if I had attended the year before and had friends, I would have to say yes.", she said, playfully pointing out the flaw in Franky's line of questioning and being extremely careful to not say 'freshmen' instead. The monochrome haired boy blinked in surprise, and looked like he was about to say something, before he smiled apologetically.

"Right, sorry. It's just, this is my first day of school ever, so I'm really hexcited!", he said, eyes shining and grin widening as white sparks flew from his bolts, startling Elena, who leaned away from him a bit. Franky noticed this and, when he calmed down, looked extremely concerned.

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