The Offer of an Unlifetime

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Elena shifted in her comfortable, fine leather seat, her eyes stuck firmly on the ground. Despite the chair's quality, Elena was uncomfortable. Headmistress Bloodgood sat in her tall chair behind her desk, looking even more intimidating than she had with her head removed and on the back of a horse, somehow. Her father sat to her right, gripping her hand gently in reassurance. Oper sat on the left, doing the same. Both men looked warry and more than a bit apprehensive. Nightmare stood perfectly still behind his mistress, red eyes looking intently at the forms of the three across from him. A moment passed, and Bloodgood finally spoke.

"I know I may seem... intimidating to you, to say the least, but I assure you, I mean you and your father no harm, Ms. Callenreese." She said in a voice that sounded like it was supposed to be reassuring.

Ash scoffed.

"That's an understatement."

Bloodgood sighed.

"I suppose so. But that aside, I have yet to tell you my proposition."

Elena tilted her head up and, for the first time since she had entered office, looked Bloodgood in the eye.

"You said it was about my academic future, what did you mean by that?" The blonde girl asked, a bit apprehensive as well. Bloodgood smiled.

"What I mean by that is, I would like for you to attend here. As a student."

There was a pregnant pause as the woman's words rang about the office. No one spoke, and then, after what felt like an eternity, Elena responded.

"...Why?" she asked, clueless as to why she had asked that. Monster High was a monster school, which she assumed meant no normies allowed. She must have assumed right, because Oper was staring at Bloodgood, jaw dropped in shock.

"Monster High, since its founding, has been a beacon of inclusion for monsters of all kinds. We have been able to achieve what others thought impossible, a place where all are welcome. Well, I thought we had achieved that..."

The headmistress's voice had started off filled with pride, but soon became somber. Elena frowned in confusion.

"Recently, it has come to my attention that my students are still very apprehensive of normies-er, humans, apologies."

Elena smiled.

"It's alright, we don't find it offensive. Right, dad?"

Elena's father opened his mouth, the look on his face saying he most definitely did not agree with what she was saying, until his face contorted in pain as Elena subtly stepped on his foot to prevent this.

"Yeah... I don't mind." He said in a strained voice.

Let it never be said Elena didn't have a backbone.

Bloodgood smiled.

"Right, well, my students still fear normies. They grew up with stories of evil normies who hunted and burned their ancestors, an inverse to the stories I assume you have read at least once before. I know not all normies are like this, but some of my students don't. I would like to rectify this. So, I thought, why not have one attend here as a student? It could show the others that monsters and humans are more similar than we think."

Elena looked on the fence. On the one hand, from what she had seen of the school in the low lighting (they had left the catacombs around two a.m), it seemed like a very interesting place. Plus, her only friend went here, so they could see each other more often, and he seemed happy here. On the other hand, she might be bullied even worse here than she was back in Japan, this time for being human, and some students may try to hurt her. She could win a fight with two over confident humans easily, but monsters with powers? She had no idea if she could defend herself against them. Not to mention the classes. They might be completely different from the things she had learned in the past and completely inapplicable for when she tried to start a career in her world. There were just so many 'what if's.

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