Of Explanations and Fathers

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Oper and Elena had been searching the catacombs for two hours now, and Elena was already exhausted once more. Since she was human, she had less endurance than Oper, not to mention it was three am. Oper had told her it when he pulled out his ICoffin, which essentially was a coffin shaped version of an IPhone. She had asked what it was when she asked, and that had led to a long tangent of questions and answers about the ways of the monster world.

"How is the world not aware of the existence of monsters? If the people of New Salem know about you guys, why doesn't the rest of the world?", the jade eyed girl had asked as she and her companion walked down a dark corridor. The torches weren't lit here, so Oper had used the flashlight on his ICoffin to lead her down the long tube-like hall. His hand had yet to leave hers, something neither of them pointed out, being perfectly okay with the situation.

Oper glanced back at her and slowed his pace so he was walking beside his possibly more-than-a-friend.

"Well, it's like this sugar. Monsters and normies- er, humans, have never really gotten along all that well, as I'm sure you can infer on your own. Course, there are a few exceptions, but the overwhelming consensus is that we're out to get them for some reason or another, and that makes us the devil incarnate."

Elena frowned, and Oper realized he even thought her frown was cute. It was like a pout and it pushed her pink lips out just a bit, it made him want to...

No, no, no. This was moving way too fast. Weren't these things supposed to take time? But his daddy always said when you know, you know...

"-per, Oper! Are you good?"

Oper shook himself out of his internal struggle and looked down at the slightly worried face of Elena. Realizing he was spacing out, he shoved those thoughts into the depths of his mind and smiled down at her.

"Sorry, sugar, just got a lil introspective, is all. Now, what was I sayin' again?"

Elena blinked her doe eyes and frown-pouted again.

"You were talking about how humans are cruel to monsters because they're different. But that's not right! You're the nicest person I've met in this country so far, and if the other monsters are like you, they don't deserve that!"

She said this with so much passion, you would think she was a monster herself, advocating for her rights. It made Oper feel a pleasant twisting in his chest. He didn't know whether he wanted to smile or cry. Since he was Oper Phantom, Monster High's Most Terrifying Ghost and resident school rebel, he refused to cry so easily, and instead opted to smile and gently caress Elena's face.

"It's nice that you feel that way, sugar, not many normies do. Normally, I don't like normies on principle, but I think you're an exception."

Elena looked into his eyes, which were filled with fondness, pride and something much deeper that she couldn't put her finger on, wide eyed. Realizing where this would lead, but still having many questions, Elena let her scholarly impulsiveness take the lead on this one.

"You didn't finish answering my question.", she stated bluntly.

Oper blinked and chuckled, "I guess you're right.", with that, he removed his hand and resolved to finish answering her questions before something like that happened again. Answers now, affection and figuring out what exactly this was later. They continued walking down the hall, their hands still linked as they were through the earlier conversation.

"The reason you didn't know about monsters is because we live in a world parallel to yours. The monster world is a distorted reflection of the human world. You have Paris, we have Scaris. You have New Orleans, we have Boo Gorleans. You startin to get it, hun?"

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