Part 11

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Imma try get one chapter out each day but istg I am so busy right now.

-Misako's POV-

I finally had the monastery to myself, everyone was gone.
I smiled as several Oni arrived, holding cans of fuel and explosives as they walked up to me.

"It took you long enough, ready to burn this place? All my stuff is already out of the building so there's nothing important left." The oni in the lead, Damien, nodded and said something in another language to the oni.
They started walking around the building, pouring the fuel and planting explosives around the property.

"Misako, we will get rid of the ninja, this is only part of our plan." He grinned as we walked throughout the house, making sure everything was set up correctly. "It's only a matter of time until Ninjago is ours, don't worry... you'll be hauled as a queen ofcourse."

I smiled at the thought of that, riches and fame, slaves bowing down to me... It's so beautiful.

"Well, let's do this." Everyone evacuated the area, running back to the truck they arrived in as we followed, Damien took a tablet in his hands and grinned, turning to me.

"Would you like to do it?" I smiled and took the tablet in my hands, it was exactly what I wanted.

"It's show time."

With that I flipped the switch, all at once several explosions went off throughout the building as it all burst into flames, burning high into the dark sky.
I took the passenger seat of the truck as we started to leave, the monastery, well, what was left of it still burning.

-Kai's POV-

We had managed to reach the building, whatever this laboratory was it was a maze, all that mattered is we get in and find Lloyd.
I turned to everyone who was behind me, stealth was the key in this situation.
Ninja style.
Skylor and Nya went down one hallway, taking out the guards silently, Zane and Pixal went to the security room, where all the camera's were, Cole and Jay went towards the main powerplant to turn he lights out while Wu and Garmadon went to something they called the 'Experimental room'.
I was incharge of finding Lloyd, I started to walk through the darkness, Jay and Cole mut have done their job well as all the lights suddenly went out, grinning I felt more confident as I ran through the halls, taking out guards on my way to the cell.
All was going well, the camera's were down, power was off, most of the guards had been taken out, that was until I heard someone tell over comms.
It was Nya.

"Guys! We need help! Skylor's down!" She sounded desperate, her comms were suddenly cut off leaving static over the radio.

"Nya? Nya!" That was Zane, he sounded worried but suddenly Pixal cried out, Zan didn't get time to speak before both his and Pixels comms went down.

"Somebody tell me what's going on! Were kind of in trouble! Jay!" No no no! Everyone's comms were suddenly cutting out, Wu and Garmadon yelled to retreat but it was to late, their comms were cut until I was the only one left.
I was really close to Lloyd... But the others... No... What was he supposed to do?
Behind me a laughing sound could be heard until the Omega grabbed my neck and pinned me against the wall, taking the sword from his hands.

"What the! Omega?!" I stared at him surprised and scared. He laughed and started dragging me towards the cell I was heading to, I saw my friends all chained up in another room, barely injured as I sighed in relief, trying to get to them.

"Don't worry... I underestimated you, you actually managed to do a decent job if finding your friend! As a little gift I'll put you in his cell, I'm sure he's hungry Afterall... And don't worry about your friends, they will be taken care of, they can all be in the same cell. Far from you."

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