Chapter 2

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Warning. Self harm and mentions of suicide, swearing not much tho

_Lloyds POV_

Lloyd was lying in bed, listening to music and just crying. A normal thing for him these days. Ever since the crystal king battle things have changed, he's changed and not in a good way, with a sigh he stood up and made his was to the bathroom sink, he opened the cabinets and brought out a wicked looking knife. He sat down putting his back against the door, bring down the blade to his arm.
He knew he shouldn't be doing this, but as he slid the blade across his skin and warm blood trickled out of the wound he couldn't help but feel that he needed this.
He smiled through the pain, knowing he deserved it as he brought the knife down for a second swipe.

Then a third.

Then fourth.





Until blood covered his arm staining it a dark colour.
He knew he had to stop or he will bleed out, killing him then and there
but, then again... that didn't sound to bad in the back of his mind... no no NO! he's losing so much blood, it's making him delusional.

"Lloyd? Breakfast is ready if you want it"A loud knock and the echo of Zane's voice came from the door startling lloyd out of his mind and back to reality.

"Y- yeah! Be there in a minute!" He called back, quickly standing up to clean his arm and knife of all the remaining blood.

When did I become so fucked up?

Maybe when this oni shit started?

Or was it all the trauma catching up on him?

Doesn't matter just stay hidden, stay secret, stay safe.
With that he rolled his sleeve down, pulled the hood up, and walked out his bathroom down the hallway and to the kitchen where his friends were already seated, Nya and Zane had been talking about theories and possibilities of they're powers like if Zane could control water (unlikely), Cole was stuffing food into his mouth like this was his last meal.
Kai and Jay were arguing over who was better at gaming while Master Wu as usual had taken his plate to his own room to eat away from all the chaos and I couldn't blame him.
Quietly, I grabbed my plate off the bench and sat down not making eye contact.
I could feel them staring as everything went quiet, I just kept my head down hoping they would stop.
Nyas voice broke the silence.

"Hey, Lloyd? Are you okay? You haven't benn leaving your room much lately and you've been really... quiet" She said it as if she was genuinely worried

Ha, like anyone would be worried or care about me.
Just another person in this fucked up world.

He forced a smile on his face.
"I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" He spoke calmly but his mind was screaming for him to get out of there.

"Well- i- don't know. You have just been distant lately"She said glancing around as the others nodded in agreement.

"I'm fine." He said slightly annoyed now.

"Lloyd, if anything is wrong you can talk to us, thats what we're here for" Zane cut in with a worried tone.

"Im fine"


"I said IM FINE!" He suddenly snapped out as his eyes flashed purple.


They all stared at him, their expressions wavering between suprise, worry and confusion.


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