Chapter 3

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_Lloyds POV_

Skylor and I made our way to her apartment which was only about 3 blocks away, she was talking about how the others were really worried about him and how they asked Skylor to hangout with Lloyd and try clear his mind.
When they arrived at the apartment Lloyd and Skylor flew down as she took the lead to unlock the front door.

"Alright so, I know you probably don't want to talk but~ if you do I will give you all the alcohol and ice-cream you want" Skylor grinned placing a tub of ice-cream and a bottle of something alcoholic on her table.

"I- well, hard to argue with that, besides anything to stay away from that old bitch for a while" I said with a smile.

With that she just nodded, grabbed the alcohol and ice-cream and walked off to her living room not waiting for Lloyd to catch up.

"Okay so sit your ass down and take this since I want to hurry through therapy and straight to alcohol, ice-cream, movie's, bad decisions, and clubbing so tell me why have you been so distant to the others?
I mean, they said something is wrong so I just became a built in therapist... Who cares?
You have had so much trauma and your scars prove it need to let it out sometime right?" She handed him a glass of something alcoholic and gestured for him to sit down.
Reluctantly he agreed and sat down next to her taking the glass in his hands taking a sip.

"So... The others said something was wrong, you know you can talk to me right?" She said giving him a worried look.

"Well... I don't know but you know how that battle with the overlord just happened? And this whole situation with Harumi, my father faking his death and things happened... Things I don't want to talk about..."

Skylor gave him a look of pity and before she could say anything else a tear slipped down Lloyds cheek.

"Lloyd... You know we don't have to talk if you don't want to, but we can pregame?"
And it was all down hill from there.

{Time skip}

Everything was a blur, he woke up in Skylor's apartment in her guest bedroom with a sting pain on his arm, chest and back. Along with a feeling of needles in his ears.
He could hear someone in the kitchen and the sound of a kettle boiling, he fell back on the bed with zero dedication to get up unless forced. He glanced at the clock hanging on the wall where the time read 8:36. After a while he heard a knock at the door and Skylor walked in with a glass of water in one hand and some painkillers in the other.

"Here it will help you with the hangover" She said as lloyd noticed some bandages on her shoulder and what looks to be a nose piercing.

"What hangover- oooh..." He said closing his eyes with a wince as the sun tried to murder his eyes.

"Yeah, that hangover" She handed him the pills and places the glass on the nightstand.

"Thanks..." He said as he placed the pills in his mouth and picked up the glass taking a sip as he did, swallowing the pills. "I feel like we made bad decisions can you check for tattoos?"

"Yeah, I noticed I got one on my shoulder but you... Look like you have a fair few more."


"Shut up and stand up"

He blinked and stood up slowly from pain and muttered something along the lines of asshole and tattoos.

"So... I'm gonna take the bandage off since it looks like your already healed since your powers or something can heal you pretty quickly wanna come to my room to look in the mirror also take your shirt off"

"Sure" As he took his t-shirt off he realised it had been on backwards.
He followed Skylor into her room where there was a ridiculously large mirror taking up half her wall.

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