Chapter 7

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-Lloyds POV-

I was walking with my father to the Oni temple of prime evils eye, it was early afternoon since the trip had taken a while but honestly, I felt good coming here, the rivers were calm and the forest was more welcoming than last time.
I sighed and stretched my wings in the sunlight, since I had been in many fights I had many scars, even a few on my wings that I had no idea where they came from, I think it was when I tried to cut them when this oni stuff first happened, all I know is at times it hurt and ached like arthritis so heat helped with the pain.
We continue walking until we saw the campsite, it was old and made for oni to com and train their cubs, grass everywhere and all the plans in the area were soft and safe to touch, there was even something called dragon nip, like cat nip for dragons and I loved it, we didn't have tents, we were going to sleep in hammocks with huge leaves for blankets and pillows.
I watched my father take a deep breath and smile, nodding.

"This is the place, lets put our stuff down and start to get camp set up, hey Lloyd. Can you collect firewood? I'll make those hammocks while you do." He smiled and put his stuff down, I nodded and started walking into the forest, Smoky wrapped around my neck gently and Spirit stared wandering around the area, sniffing and exploring.

"Yeah, sure thing." I walked into the forest, the trees were huge and I don't know why but this place felt weird... Not dangerous or anything, it was weirder welcoming... Almost like something was calling me.
I brushed that though away as I started to get firewood, I found a dead tree that we could use parts of but I had to use an axe, I was smart enough to bring my weapon I had made not long ago.
It looked like a small cylinder, pocket sized and could go on your keys if you wanted it to, it you pressed the button and opened it the right way it could either be a Spear, Sword, Axe or Bow, I turned it into the axe and started to collect large pieces of firewood, not just twigs but big proper pieces of wood, I started to head back when I heard something, a whisper, in the forest.
I turned to it and saw nothing, all was calm and silent, I must be going insane... I ignored it and kept walking, I got back to the campsite where my father had made two hammocks out of rope and was collecting large leaves, they were soft, strangely comfortable and I would happily sleep on them forever if I could.
I dropped the firewood in one head on a couple rocks, and old campfire.

"I've got the firewood, do you need help?" I looked at my father, he was tying a few ropes as I dropped the wood, shifting my tail.

"I'm fine, actually, could you get more of these leaves? They're over there." He pointed to a large tree, most of the leaves were higher up but the biggest were at the top.

"Sure thing." I walked over the tree and started to climb it, using my tail to wrap around branches and wings to balance myself, using my hands, paws actually, to climb up to the top, unusually fast, almost like a monkey at my speed and accuracy, grabbing some of the biggest leaves, they were huge, several metres in length, I smiled al I spread my wings, holding onto the leaves, using them almost like a parachute as I jumped from the tree, smiling as I hit the ground.

"Is this enough?" I showed him the leaves and sat down next to him.

"Yeah, I may need your help tying this to the tree, oh, and later, we'll have to fish for dinner. If that's alright with you." He looked over at the river that was near or campsite, I nodded and helped him with the hammocks.

"I'm cool with that." We tied the hammocks and about an hour later, when the sun started to set we went to the river, I had taken my shirt off and stood ankle deep in the water, my jeans were getting fairly wet but there was no mud so I was happy, everything was just rocks and pebbles on the riverbed.
We were both holding a net as we attempted to catch some fish, maybe a crab or literally anything would be good.

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