4 - A Call?

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As soon as I woke up, I quickly got ready and started heading to the library. I searched throughout, but I couldn't find her. But right as I was about to give up, I stumbled upon the book the girl asked me to get for her. Did she really read it that quickly? I decided I'd give it a shot, just for curiosity's sake. I made my way to work as per usual, and amidst my shift I started to read the book. It was just your usual novel, nothing out of the ordinary. But right as I was about to close it, a slip of paper fell out of the book. It was a drawing of... me?! Lost in thought, I made my way back to work.

*BEEP* My phone started ringing, it was my cousin, again.

"Guess what? A friend of mine just called me."

"Why is that so surprising?" I replied.

"She mentioned how yesterday she met a cute boy at the library, and she can't stop thinking about him!"

"Again, why is that so surprising?"

"... Just come to my coffee shop after work."

*BOoP* And then she hung up the call. As intrigued as I was about why she wanted me to come over, I had to finish my work shift first.

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