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"I'm not a naive kid, I'm here to win"

"Ah? Why don't you scram before you get your ass kicked kid" He scowled at M/n
"To be the world's best player means you must be as strong, your weak playing style won't cut it, you bottom-feeding slaves"

"I'm gonna fucking devour you bitch" M/n said wanting to fight him but was held back by Nagi.
"Calm down Chibi, you'll get your chance. Show him you are stronger in the second half" Reo encouraged smiling at M/n.

"M/n! Score two more goals and get your phone back!" Reo said passing the ball to M/n
"Got it" M/n replied doing a bicycle shot, and scoring another goal.


"You're satisfied after scoring a boring goal like that?" Barou provoked walking past M/n
"At least I scored a goal, unlike you" M/n taunted back at him.

"Watch..WHAT YOUR SAYING PEASANT!" Barou charged forward once again with the ball, scoring a goal for his team.


M/n stole the ball immediately dodging the defenders, shocking his teammates.

"Coming through King"

Barou stood in front of M/n attempting to block him

"Stay out of my way useless king"
From Barou's point of view, he could feel clouds of mist around him. M/n with red cloud markings came towards him with a katana getting ready to slice his head off

"Kill..." Barou mumbled grabbing M/n's shoulders to slow him down

"You are a pathetic waste of space"
M/n said finally slicing his head off in his special point of view, The ball shot towards the net with intense speed

"What a failure of a king"

Team V vs Team X

"Team V wins!"

All the members of Team V ran towards M/n and raised him high in the air

"Chibi! That was a kick-ass goal for someone as young as you!" Reo complimented ruffling his head.
"That was amazing! You really skinned Barou alive!" Zantetsu praised grabbing his shoulders
"You mean ripped him alive Zantetsu"
"Good job M/n~" Nagi carried him high in the air.

Stratum Five Cafeteria

"Steak..delicious," M/n said munching on his food.
"I'm tired, so tired"
"Nagi, you and M/n said you wanted to eat meat so we used our goal points to get you two some" Reo said holding two plates of steak.
"Jeez, shouldn't have given you my points if you aren't gonna eat" Zantetsu sighed.

"I want steak, give me" M/n said making grabby hands to Reo who was holding the steak.
"C'mon Nagi, it's delicious! Just eat some" Reo sat down eating the steak with Zantetsu

"Open up Nagi~" M/n said feeding Nagi a piece of steak.
"Hey! I want to be fed by our cute M/n!" Reo whined, looking at the two.
Nagi chewed obediently, happy about M/n feeding him.

"Hey! You four from Team V!"

The four boys looked towards the source of the sound confused.

"I'm Kuon Wataru from Team Z! We're gonna play against you guys in the next game! Would you be interested in making some sort of deal?" Kuon offered looking beaten up
"Who the hell are you?" Reo raised a brow

"It's a super great deal for Team V!"
"Like a win-win?" Zantetsu asked chewing on his steak.
"Yeah! A win-win type of deal. Simply put, I'll tell you all of our strategies and data while Team V wins via a clean sheet! Blah blah blah blah" M/n immediately shunned his voice annoyed while he continued to eat his steak.

KING || Blue Lock x Muichiro M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now