Chapter 17

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Everything was silent in the Knight Ship and the Autobots were beginning to plan out their next move. Tessa had been sitting close to her boyfriend while Cade sat several yards away. Bumblebee had not returned to the group since he had disappeared to who knew where in the ship. Finally, they were getting closer to China, but neither party had attempted to speak.

"We are retrieving the Seed, but once it is in our possession, we are done protecting the humans." Optimus finally speaks.

"What do you mean, 'you're done'?" Cade asked as he jumped up to his feet.

"It means we're finished, this is the last hoorah before we say goodbye." Hound nodded.

"You can't possibly mean that." Cade sighed as he stepped up to the much larger mech.

"How many more of my kind have to die in order to atone for the mistakes that you have made?" Optimus questioned with a huff.

"What do you think being human means? Mistakes are part of what makes us human, but sometimes, out of those mistakes come the most amazing outcomes. When I fixed you, originally it was for a reward, for money. And that was me making a mistake, but without that mistake, you wouldn't be here. So even if you have zero faith in us, I'm asking you to do what I do everyday. I'm asking you to look at all the junk and see the treasure. Besides, how would Elizabeth feel if she were to hear you say that you were giving up on us?" Cade frowned as he looked up at the Prime's face.

It fell silent as Optimus Prime began to think over what the man had said. His bright blue optics wandered over to the door that separated them from where Elizabeth was currently resting. Honestly, the Prime hadn't really thought about the woman's feelings towards his decision to leave the planet with the Autobots. Yet, at the same time, he figured that she would let him go if he were to explain his reasoning. Glancing down to Cade, his optics followed the direction that the man was looking and saw that he was watching his daughter cuddle up to her boyfriend. Suddenly the sound of a door opening and closing brought everyone's attention to the newcomer.

"Bumblebee." Optimus called quietly, but was still heard by the occupants of the vessel.

"I...will not leave...Elizabeth." Bumblebee's radio crackled.

"You can't be serious Bee. Why would you want to stay on this dustball?" Hound reprimanded.

"I failed her once...I refuse...To fail again." The yellow and black mech stated with a shake of his head.

"If you want to stay for a worthless human, then be my guest. You're only going to die here." Crosshairs sneers with a shrug.

"You wanna say that again!" Bumblebee roared as he launched forward and grappled onto the offending mech.

"That's enough! Bumblebee control yourself. Once we have retrieved the Seed, we'll discuss this further." The Prime sighed as he pulled the yellow mech away.

Grumbles from both sides incoherently echoed from around the cockpit as Crosshairs returned to his seat while Bumblebee roughly plopped down in the corner. Several minutes later, Hound shouted that they could see the CEO of KSI sprinting across the rooftops with the Seed in hand. Opening the back of the of flying vessel, Cade, Tessa, Shane, Hound, and Bumblebee assisted to try and get them onto the ship. However, a missile from the KSI machines managed to make contact with the side of the ship. The group of five ended up falling out of the ship and onto the roof, and all started to scatter in order to not fall under fire. Still on board the ship, Optimus, Crosshairs, and Drift crash landed in the forest outside of the city. Groans from the three Autobots ricochetted all around the fallen ship as they started to stumble onto their feet. While Crosshairs and Drift stepped outside into the greenery, Optimus immediately rushed into the room that he had placed the capsule containing his dear friend. During the crash, the capsule had fallen and slid across the room which worried the Prime as he pulled the capsule around so that he could look and see what kind of state she was in. Freezing at the sight, he took immediate notice of the giant crack that covered the thick glass that now obscured his view of the woman. When they first got on board the Knight Ship, Optimus and Drift were quick to start the process of reversing the cryostasis. But, they knew it could take more than twenty-four hours for the reversal to finish and even longer for the woman to wake up. Seeing that she was still in place, a deep sigh of relief escaped the Prime before he left the room to catch up with his comrades. Now was the time for him to make a move and take back the Seed.

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