Chapter 13

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Barely two months had passed since the battle at Chicago, and Elizabeth was back on her feet and working at her shop in Washington D.C. fixing cars. Ratchet was able to fix Optimus up while she was in the hospital, so she didn't have to help with getting him back on his feet. She was still mourning the deaths of Ironhide, Jazz, and Que, but she was slowly starting to move on. There was only a handful of Autobots left, and of course a few more were supposedly in route to land on Earth soon. As excited as she was to meet the new Autobots, she was worried that something bad was going to happen to them. Whispers in the streets were that Congress was working on banning the Autobots, and all Cybertronians, from the United States. There is also the chance that the rest of the world would be following in their footsteps. Sitting back on her stool, she leaned away from the Ford Mustang that she was working on and glanced towards the open garage. There was graffiti on the building across from hers that voiced many of the people's concerns about the Cybertronians, on top of other vulgar artwork. She had called in and asked for it to be removed many times over the last few weeks, but no one was willing to bat an eye at the vandalism.

"Good day, Liza." Dino's voice suddenly echoed from the alleyway.

"Dino, what are you doing here?" She turned and gave a strained smile.

"Optimus has asked that I check in on you. There has been a lot of unrest, and he's worried." Dino stated as he rolled back and forth.

"I understand. Let me call in this customer really quick, then we can head out." Elizabeth sighed as she reached for the phone.

Humming in response, Dino remained in his spot in the alleyway while he waited. Optimus had pretty much ordered that Sideswipe and Dino keep an eye on her, just in case anything dangerous were to happen. Similar to BumbleBee for Sam, Dino and Sideswipe had developed a close relation to the girl as time had progressed. Even the level of despair that she felt for their fallen comrades moved their sparks. Listening in on her call, he could hear as she spoke to the owner of the car in her shop. The owner was just up the street and would arriving to pick up his vehicle within the next ten minutes, so they wouldn't have to wait too long before they could leave. Working on the final touches, Elizabeth was wiping down the vehicle when the man arrived and immediately paid for the work she had done. There was no doubt that she had done a phenomenal job, and the man was very excited to be taking the car home. Shouting his thanks, the man revved the engine before leaving her workshop in haste. At first, they didn't pay any mind to the man's rushed exit, but after a moment of silence, Dino began to feel tense.

"Dino! Get out of there now!" Sideswipe's voice suddenly radioed in.

"What's happening?" Dino revved as he watched the woman grab her bag.

"It's passed! We are being hunted, get Elizabeth out now!" The Autobot's voice was cut off.

"Elizabeth, we have to move!" Dino's voice was panicky as he swung open the passenger side door.

"What's going on?" She frowned as she got in the car.

"Your Congress has finally made their decision. Sideswipe has given me the update, and we are in danger. I'm sorry, Elizabeth, but you will need to hang on tight and trust me." The red Ferrari stated as he drifted around a corner.

"What about Optimus and the others?" Elizabeth shouted as she grabbed a hold of the seatbelt that was across her chest.

"We are going to be meeting them somewhere outside of the city. Do not worry!" His voice echoed before everything fell silent.

Behind them came about three or four SUVs that had begun their pursuit of the Ferrari. Turning in her seat, she watched as they swerved in and out of traffic in order to keep up with them. Sweat had begun to form on her forehead as she watched one of the vehicles get dangerously closed to Dino's back bumper. However, the Autobot didn't seem to worry about what was happening yet. Making another quick turn, they fled through another alleyway before making it into a more residential area of the Capital. Having looked back in front, Elizabeth noticed that the SUVs were no longer in sight and a sigh of relief escaped her lips. Slowing slightly in speed, Dino exited city limits and started to make his way west. Their plan was to meet in a more rural area, so that they wouldn't have to be around too many people, or any people at all. Coming across a tiny little town, Dino came to a rolling stop before allowing Elizabeth to exit his form.

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