Chapter 15

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Five years had passed, and Elizabeth was still living in the small town of Monowi with Edmund and Elise. Still going by the name of, Beth, she had successfully avoided any government official that ever came through. She had even managed to remain as unsuspicious as she could to those who travelled through the town. Throughout the past five years, Elizabeth had developed her cooking repertoire and had also begun to help Edmund manufacture more guns that worked slightly easier than the older models that he had in his store. She had pretty much built the man his own personal arsenal in the back of his store, and he was absolutely loving every moment that he spent in there. It was late in the evening, and everyone had already retired for the evening when Elizabeth suddenly woke up from a nightmare. The moment her eyes opened, it was like the nightmare was wiped from her memory. However, when she placed her hands against her face, she was surprised to feel tears. As she pulled her hands away from her face, echoes started playing in her head. The screams of the people that were terrified and dying during the attack on Chicago, and the dying screams of her own Autobot friends were playing on repeat in mind. But, the sounds of her friends that she was pretty sure was still living echoing in her mind too. Ratchet's weak pleading voice mixed in with the rest of her friends, and she could feel a splitting headache coming on. But, she was still able to fall asleep after several minutes of silence and meditation. It wouldn't be until the next morning that she was startled awake by a buzzing sound that came from her bag. Grabbing the old burlap sack, she pulled out her old Autobot communicator and pushed away all of the dust that had accumulated on the top.

"Calling all Autobots...Calling all Autobots...Calling all Autobots!" The circular communicator repeated while blinking in her hand.

A gasp escaped her lips as she stared in surprise at the alien technology in her hand. Pressing on the side of the device, she spoke into the speaker in hopes of receiving a response from the missing Autobot Leader. However, while she did receive a response from an Autobot, it wasn't from one that she knew.

"This is a secure channel, how did you get this line?" A gruff voice spoke through her communicator.

"Who is this? I don't know you, where is Optimus?" Elizabeth grunted as she glared at the piece of alien technology.

"I don't know who you are, but if you don't stop jamming my communicator, I'll find you and kill you myself." The voice sneered before suddenly going quiet.

"Elizabeth...Is that really you?" A voice chirped through the device.

"Bee? Is that really you?" Her voice cracked.

"Where are you? I'm coming for you!" His voice was strong, even though he was using excerpts from the radio.

"It's a place called Monowi in Nebraska. Where are you?" She asked as she stood to her feet.

"Close. Be ready." The communicator disconnected shortly after.

Jumping up to her feet, she immediately grabbed her bags and started to pack them quickly. Having been provided with better quality clothes and tools, she was quick to make sure that she had everything before stepping out of her room. Looking up at the kitchen, she noticed both Edmund and Elise standing there with sad smiles on their faces.

"You're leaving now?" Elise frowned as she looked at the bags.

"I finally got a call from my friend, they're on their way." Elizabeth cryptically spoke as she glanced to the side.

"We could hear. It's good to know that the Autobots are still around and kicking. Please, tell them that we are very thankful for their service." Edmund smiled as he tossed her a biscuit.

"Thank you, thank you for everything that you've done for me over the last five years." She smiled as she brought them both into a hug.

"Anything for you, Sweetie." Elise smiled.

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