Chapter 11

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During the night of the ongoing Decepticon attacks in Chicago, Sam was traveling from the NASA base to the city with Epps and several other retired NEST operatives. Their drive was long, but they did eventually arrive and took in the sight of the destroyed city. Anxiety and sadness radiated throughout the several vehicles that they had taken as they looked at the people trying to escape. Shouts of warning entered their ears as they continued on, before they finally stopped at the outskirts of the crumbling residential area. Stepping out of their vehicles, they walked on slowly as they saw children and other people running away. Three fighter jets flew overhead, but were all shot down moments after they had flown into the city.

"My god. We came here to find her in the middle of all that?" Epps frowned as he watched the jets crash land.

"Are we really going in there, Epps?" One of the ex-soldiers asked as he shifted his weight.

"I'm not going in there." Another immediately answered.

"No one is going there." Epps answered with a sigh.

"Well I am. I'm going in there, with or without you. I will find her." Sam frowned as he turned to leave the group of men behind.

"Sam! Are you crazy? You're gonna die out there. Is that what you want?! I mean seriously, you came out here just to get yourself killed? Hey, listen to me!" Epps shouted as he ran after him and grabbed his shoulder.

"She's here because of me! Don't you get that!?" The boy shouted as he shoved Epps away from him.

"Look, if you go there, that's hoping she's still alive, there is absolutely no way that you're actually going to reach her." The man reasoned.

"That what do you suggest I do?" Sam growled.

"I'm sorry man, but there isn't anything we can do. It's over." Epps frowned.

"No. I refuse to let this be the end. Carly is in there, and so is Liza." Sam stated firmly.

"Wait, Elizabeth is here too?" Epps gawked as he looked past the boy.

"Hey! Whoa! Incoming!" One of Epps' friends shouted.

A Decepticon ship suddenly came into view and started firing at a grouping of people that were several meters away from there. Screams from the people alerted the rest of the group, and they attempted to run for cover. However, they couldn't make it very far as the ship swept passed them and effectively knocked them onto the ground. Sam could hear the members of their group screaming in terror as the alien ship shifted and turned around launch another attack on them. As it turned around to face them, Sam felt his heart drop into his stomach as he looked down the barrel of the gun attached the Decepticon ship. However, a spark of surprise and hope ignited in Sam's chest as he suddenly heard a painfully familiar voice behind them.

"We will kill them all!" A deep baritone voice echoed from behind.

"That's right! Wreckers, let's kill it!" Another voice shouted gleefully.

"Yeah, yeah! This is going to hurt!" A third voice chimed in.

Firing their own weapons at the alien ship, the Autobots appeared from behind a few of the destroyed buildings. Turning on their heels, the group of humans stared in awe at the sentient beings that had finally shown themselves.

"Your leaders will now understand. The Decepticons will never actually leave this planet and it's people alone. In order to make them understand, we needed them to believe that we had gone. Now, today, in the name of all of our freedoms, we take this battle to them!" Optimus roared as he stood at the front of the metallic group.

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