Bonus Ending

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Gyuvin x Ricky Bonus Ending:

Ricky was drunk when Taerae suggested he move in with him and now that he was sober it was actually happening.

Ricky was staying in his uncles house for a few days while he got everything ready for his new life in Korea.

Zhanghao has already moved in with Hanbins family and the group was waiting for ricky.

All his paperwork was filed and ready to go. But before he left China for a long time, he had one more thing to do.

Ricky gave the biggest hug to his uncle. He really helped ricky through his rough patches.

"Take care kid okay? If you ever come back to china don't book a hotel, my doors are always open. And uh bring that boy over sometime. What was his name? Gyubin? "

Ricky laughed.

"Ofcourse uncle. You'll definitely meet him soon. Thank you so much."

There weren't words for ricky's feelings right now. He was excited for his new life but he felt sappy about leaving his old one. But nonexistent he was grateful. Extremely grateful.

"Babe! I missed you so much! My mom is so excited to meet you! I actually love you so much!" Gyuvin ran towards ricky when he saw a glimpse of blonde.

You'd think they were two lovers who've been separated for years.

"Ricky! Welcome to your new life!" Taerae hugged ricky.

Gyuvin insisted on going to pick ricky up form the airport with taerae.

This was the life ricky needed.

Hanbin x Zhanghao Bonus Ending:

Zhanghao moved in with Hanbins family, and they were so accepting. They treated zhanghao as if they've known his for years. Zhanghao could see were hanbin for his personality from.

Zhanghao felt joyful in korea. He still played the violin but he wasn't "Zhanghao the violinist" anymore. He didn't need to live up to his pictures perfect guy persona anymore. With hanbin and his new friends he could just be zhanghao.

This felt right.

Matthew x Jiwoong Bonus Ending.

Jiwoong continued his acting career and matthew stood by him every step of the way.

The two were inseparable. If jiwoong was shooting for a new show, matthew was waiting in his car for him to finish. If matthew was working, jiwoong would stop by to give him lunch.

Fate had really brought them together. Jiwoongs apartment was basically their apartment now. Matthew would only go back home if he needed something.

Life was perfect when they were with each other.

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