Partying in LA | Part 3

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Zhanghao felt his heart race.

"I just needed to get away from China. Too many people I know there." What a stupid answer he thought.

"Huh guess you're popular then.". Matthew said tilting his head.

"You guys doing anything later?" asked jiwoong.

Jiwoong came to LA to film this TV show. He had a small part and after filming was over he was basically free to do anything.

"One of my friends on set is hosting a party. He's looking for people to come." he continued

"Yujins a minor! As his legal guardian for the trip he can't go!" gunwook said sternly

Maybe he was taking this position a bit too seriously.

"Gunwook hyunggggg! I won't drink at all! That shits gross anyways." Yujin pleaded with puppy eyes.

"I think it will be fun if we all go! We can get to know each other even more!" Matthew perked up.

"I think we know all about you already Matthew" gyuvin sighed.

Matthew loved talking.

"I'm free. Let's go." Zhanghao said

"Gunwook don't be a party pooper!" gyuvin teased hoping to get a reaction out of him.

"Fine. No drinks yujin! I'll be watching" A defeated gunwook said.

"Great, get ready we will leave in an hour." jiwoong said walking away.

Everyone looked confused. They didn't have a car and they didn't even know who could drive.
Matthew got up and chased jiwoong to his room.

"I can drive but we don't have a car." Taerae chimed in.

"If we all are gonna be drinking except gunwook and yujin we might as well just get a taxi. It's safer." Zhanghao carefully said

"Perfect meet back here in an hour!" Taerae skipped away to get ready.

Everyone had gotten ready and was waiting in the living room. Well everyone except Jiwoong and Matthew.


The others scrunched up their face obviously uncomfortable with gyuvins loudnesses. But his loud voice worked as the two rushed down. Both of their faces were red. Why? Who knows.

"Love birds.." yujin fake coughed out.

Which was received with laughter and an eye roll from jiwoong.

"Just get in the car yujin."

They had arrived to a very nice house. In the car, jiwoong mentioned that the whole crew of his show was invited and told to bring as many people as they could.

The stepped inside, splitting up.

Jiwoong and matthew went to try to find the host, Gunwook kept and eye on yujin, taerae, zhanghao and gyuvin went off to mingle.

Actually, it was taerae mostly mingling since zhanghao was an introvert. He would say hi or hello and laugh but that was it. Bored out of his mind he looked around.

Who were those two boys in the corner?

Ricky was online in his hotel room trying to find something to spice up his life in LA. He came across this open invite to a party that had an address.

He was either gonna go to an actual party or this was a kidnapping plot. Of course, Ricky hoped for the first option when he got ready. He was wearing a full black outfit.

A silk dress shirt that showed his broad shoulders and collarbone and a pair of dress pants. Touching up his makeup and fixing his jewelry made him wonder what the fuck he was doing.

He might just be getting himself killed tonight. Surprisingly the open invite was real and Ricky did not die. Well on the inside he was. He was bombarded with bass-boosted music.

"You don't look happy. Want to get a drink?" A man asked him.

Ricky nodded knowing if he tried to speak then other wouldn't be able to hear him.

They were in the corner of the room with a drink in their hands.

"So mysterious man.. who are you?" Ricky was such a light weight he was only halfway done with his drink before he felt the side effects.

"Your funny" he chuckled. "Im Hanbin, Sung Hanbin."

Ricky slowly nodded back. " Im Ricky. Shen Ricky"

Hanbin furrowed his eyebrows.

"Are you from LA? Your name sounds Chinese but you speak good English."

"I'm from China. I'm just here to get away from my parents" ricky replied before downing his drink.

Hanbin also chugged his drink to match ricky's pace before responding.
"I see.. So you just showed up to a party?"

"I guess. Sounds stupid huh? What about you?"
Ricky looked at hanbin

"I think mine's stupider haha. I came from korea because i heard cute guys were here."  hanbin chuckled as they made their way to get new drinks.

"Actually? You came here just for that?" ricky said in a surprised tone.

"No i'm kidding. I'm just here with my family on vacation. But you know finding a cute guy isn't off the table." said hanbin swirling his drink around.

"You got me there man. Your gay?" Ricky's asked

"Yeah for a while. You?" hanbin responded

There was a pause in their conversation. Was ricky gay? He's had girlfriends before but they were set up by his parents so he never felt any real attraction towards them.

"I guess? i'm not sure yet" ricky said still in thought.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out soon." hanbin took another sip of his drink.

Both of them were tipsy. Not drunk but tipsy. That's why they didn't notice a boy coming up to them before he got close.

"Ricky?" A shocked voice asked.

Ricky took a closer glance at the stranger.

"Zhanghao? What the fuck?" Ricky said in shock.

"Definitely didn't expect to see you here but what a surprise huh." Zhanghao uttered.

"Yeah it's nice to see you again though. Maybe when i'm not so tipsy let's meet up if you have time "

zhanghao only hummed in response before taking a look to the person next to ricky. Wow was he exactly zhanghaos type. Maybe it was just the alcohol in his system but he couldn't help staring at the man.

"Hanbin, nice to meet you uh zhanghao l?" Hanbin said unsurely

"Nice to meet you too uh" zhanghao also said unsure

Both of them erupted into laughter while ricky just watched.

"Already forgot my name? Your cute though so i'll let it pass." hanbin said after recovering from laughing.

Ricky downed his drink for the second time totally drunk now. He left before he had to witness any more of their lovey dovey shit.

Ricky was looking at his feet while walking, probably a stupid thing to do. And a stupid thing it was because the blonde bumped into someone.

This man was as tall has ricky with brown hair.

"Oh shit my bad. Are you okay?" The brown hair boy looked into his eyes.

"Yeah sorry.." ricky said slurring his words.

"Let's sit you down before you crash into anyone else." The mystery man laughed.

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