Night Adventures | Part 6

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"I'm actually so hungry." whined yujin has he was petting his stomach.

Gunwook gave him a look.

"I know your a growing boy and all but we just ate like thirty minutes ago.." gunwook said

"That's not true!" yujin kicked a rock in-front of him. "We had ice cream. I need proper food."

"Hold your horses yujin we have dinner with everyone else in a hour. Let's just head back now."

As if on cue the bus came. It was if gunwook was a walking lucky charm.

"Gunwook im actually having really fun on the trip...thanks for coming." gyuvin said looking out the window.

"I'm having fun too I never expected to meet such interesting people. gunwook replied.

A few minutes passed by before gunwook stood up.

"Come on yujin." Gunwook said smiling.

The two boys were down the street from the rental house. They saw their new friends outside.

A loud scream came from one of the boys as they dropped to their knees.

"How much you want to bet that was gyuvin?" Gunwook asked.

They walked up to the front lawn to see the boys playing badminton. Apparently Taerae had come back already and was on matthews team. Ricky was the referee while jiwoong and hanbin teamed up against the other pair. Zhanghao and gyuvin were a team who subbing in and out.

"ZHANGHAO HIT THE BIRDIE!" Gyuvin screamed

Zhanghao was abit too slow though and the other team had gotten a point.

"Yujin, Gunwook come play before we leave for dinner!" hambin invited.

For the next 30 minutes the air was filled with laughter and screams (mostly gyuvin screaming at zhanghao).

Taerae and matthew won by a landscape. Second place was rewarded to yujin and gunwook. Third place was jiwoong and hanbin. well to no one's surprise zhanghao and gyuvin came dead last.

"Okay losers let's head to dinner" Taerae said wrapping up the game.

Matthew booked the group a private room. The place was a famous hot pot spot. Everyone was enjoying dinner or trying too atleast.

Zhanghao and Hanbin were in their own world. They were feeding each other and basically "eye fucking" according to taerae.

"Did you try this yet ricky? It's really good!" Taerae asked

"Ah ricky doesnt like spicy!" Gyuvin exclaimed pushing taeraes hand away.

Ricky chuckled. He hadn't known the boy for long yet the boy knew almost everything about him.

Taerae gave gyuvin a playful look before turning his attention to gunwook.

"This is really good!" Yujin said, stuffing heaps of beef in his mouth.

Everyone looked at yujin in shock. It was like this boy hadn't eaten in days.

"Yujin your gonna choke! Slow down." Jiwoong said patting his back.

To everyone's surprise yujin had actually choked on a piece of beef. The whole room turned into disarray.

Everyone was panicking. Everyone expect for yujin who found it funny and was somehow laughing while choking. Which probably made it even worse.

"Yujin cough it out! Your moms gonna kill me if you did!" Gunwook yelled beating the life out of gyuvins back.

After a few minutes the beef stuck in yujins throat had come out. Everyone slumped back into their seats in relief.

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