
17 3 1

My morning: woke up(Woah), got ready, made myself cereal. Then went to school, I was kinda late today. Then I went with Libby to drop off my English journals cause I took them home last time. Then I went to algebra.

Algebra was boringly easy. The unit were in is very simple which I like! Today the internet is working so I emailed with Kaedan, talking about random shit and all.

Ngl I kinda forgot to write after this so there's not much detail :(( I wrote what's below hours later than I normally do.

Bio was okay. I talked with my friends and worked on my project. Then I went to lunch which was boring. My friend Jack got some cigarettes form our other friend so that's one thing I guess.

Then I went to art, which was horribly boring per usual. Then I had English which I enjoyed as always. Then I went home.

Now I'm hanging out, emailing Kaedan and scrolling. Probs just gonna do that the rest of the night.

Also there probably won't be updates on weekends, and all updates that do happen will be in the announcements!

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