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Morning: got ready, mom made me breaky, went to school. Couldn't find Libby or Jack so I hung with Lillian and her friends.

Then went to class, i had TT first. That was fun, dusty, but fun. Then I had ASL which was also okay. I didn't Learn anything I don't already know today so.  Then I went to PE which was boringly fun. Then lunch which was as boringly fun.

Idk if you can tell but my day was very boring and it felt like really fast.

World geo was boring as well. But I still had a good day. Then once I was home I just hung out. I emailed and called my bf a little.

Then we went out for my moms bday dinner, then to my drum lessons. And now I'm home just hanging out. Anywho that's it for today. Pretty boring I know.

Till death do us part~

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