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I woke up and got ready pretty quickly. Now that I'm awake first I have to take care of the dog in the morning, so I did. I got Starbucks this morning before my mom dropped me off at school. Sense I was early and knew exactly where my first class was I was able to read a little bit before heading to class.

I ended up seeing my bf's friend! I'm taking theater tech and he's taking theater. We have those both for our 1st period on B-days! So that means we can meet up on B-day mornings or if we have the same lunch on A/B-Days we can possibly see each other then. I'm really excited for my theater tech class cause it's gonna be chill and my teacher asked us for preferred names and pronouns!! I'm fine with my real name and now someone irl will use my preferred pronouns(she/her and they/them)!!

After TT I went to ASL, and I love my ASL teacher! She's engaged to a women >:3 and she's really funny!! I can now sign most the alphabet, my Irl last and first name and I can sign Dawn! After ASL I went to PE which was boring, I mean it's PE. I made some friends in PE and then met up with them and my BF's friend for lunch. I'm glad that I made more friends todays. I found out, Jack(my bf's friend) has A or B Lunch on A-days so that means we can sit together :3 a

Jack and my friend I made yesterday are my fav friends. The ones I made in PE were already in a group and so I'm not gonna be close to em fast. Anywho world Geo was fun cause the teacher was a sub and like having a hard time. Also one of the boys I know from my old school is in my world geo class. He's chill I guess.

I didn't see my friend from yesterday at all today but he has Theater with Jack so I might see him in the morning on B-days. But I will see him tomorrow in Bio. I actually did see him(I wrote that before now) I saw him right as I was leaving to go get picked up!

Anywho once I got home I did some chores, then practiced my drums! I wanna try and practice more now so ye! I feel like for once I want to go to school! This is so different in such a good way. I have friends that I feel like actually are MY friends, and even though they'll have other friends I'll still be their friend sense we don't all have the same classes. Luckily I share some classes with some people but that's not the case for most my classes. I wish this week was longer, I'm both super excited and exhausted :]]

Anyways after practicing my drums for a little, I went out and got some rose petals! I needed them to make rose water! After that I did some knot magick and then got on the phone with my bf a little later. After we got off the phone I set out clothes and made my lunch and that's it until I got to bed so ✌️

Till death do us part~

- Dawn

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