The Best Period

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Lunch break. Arguably one of the most anticipated periods whenever you're at school. Whether you eat lunch with friends, chatting with them, going out somewhere to eat. Bringing your own lunches or buying and eating somewhere agreed upon, it is indeed a time to look forward to. 

Of course, eating alone isn't that bad either. A momentary "moment" of silence and peace. A time you spend for yourself without the presence of anyone else. If you ask me, its a great experience to indulge in. 

The serene feeling of experiencing everything else the world has to offer besides human interaction is a. . . . pretty weird feeling in itself. But it is something worth experiencing again, multiple times. . . . 

While having hanging out with friends is a great idea in itself, some time alone is a great recommendation to simply recollect yourself and prepare yourself for the rest of the day. 

There is also the option of spending your time with someone special. Just the two of you. Sharing your lunch is an option, opting to feed each other is a bit suggesting but is also something to consider. Eating in silence is a another option, eating together in silence, enjoying each other's company with no words needed to be exchanged. 

Spending time with someone who understands you just as much as yourself. . . has a pretty nice ring to it doesn't it?  

With that said, a lot of students in Advanced Nurturing High School are enjoying their lunch break. Despite the sour look on some of the students with the free vegetable set, the company of their classmates brightens up their mood to a noticeable degree. 

One thing most of them have in common is that they chose to eat in the cafeteria. Some staying in their classrooms with their homemade lunches. While some going out of their way to a cafe or the convenience store for a cheaper option. 

Although it seems like it is still too early for couples to start forming among the first years. 

Except for one. But it wasn't formed in school anyways so it doesn't really count. They've been together for years now and surprisingly they both still have a lot of things they want to try. They've eaten their first lunch together at school the previous day and it seems like they would continue doing so in the future. 

"Are you gonna eat that?"

"You want some? here."


"Don't eat too fast, you might choke"

"Mhm mhm" 

Currently, Kiyotaka and Hiyori were on the same park, eating their lunch. They decided to sit on the same bench due to how the benches that were close to the library had no shade. The spot they were in currently had a sakura tree constantly providing shade accompanied by the sight of the fountain at a distance. 

The two had agreed that they eat lunch here regardless of the day. That they would come and meet up with each other here at the park rather than attract attention by revealing their relationship to their classmates.

Kiyotaka was confused at first since this suggestion was from Hiyori to which she replied with "Just an experiment, you'll know when it stops"

He didn't mind her suggestion and was curious to see what she was up to, but he still felt a bit disappointed that he couldn't pick her up from her class during lunch. Despite that though, he was still glad that he could spend time with her. 

Meanwhile some students were pretty bubbly in their conversations. And let's chime in to some of them shall we?

"Hey, who do you guys think is the best guy in our year?" 

"Uhm, I don't really know, maybe Hirata?"

I'm Shiina Hiyo-u can get out of my sight.Where stories live. Discover now